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SN74AVCH8T245: voltage level translation between 1.2V to 1.8V

Part Number: SN74AVCH8T245
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AXC8T245


Can I use SN74AVCH8T245 for SPI lines voltage level translator (1.2V to 1.8V)?? Since datasheet says it is designed for asynchronous communication between data buses.. So please clarify me.!

  • Vignesh,

    I would highly recommend going for SN74AXC8T245, which has 2 DIR control signals for supporting the SPI interface(with 3 A to B and 1 B to A signal).
    The AXC is also optimized for sub 1V operation, unlike the AVC device.
    Would you need a bus hold version of the device or can work without a bus hold version?