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SN74HC132: About Latch up performance

Part Number: SN74HC132


I am trying to use the following schematic.
Could you tell me the input current and the current consumption of SN74HC132?.
And Please point out if there is a possibility of latch-up.
There was no mention of the Latch-Up Performance in the datasheet.

Best Regards,

  • Hello Yasuke-san,

    I noticed that you have recently posted a similar question about a different device.

    Could you tell me the input current and the current consumption of SN74HC132?

    The input current is listed in this datasheet in the same place that I pointed out last time -- is that not answering your question?

    Is there some other input factor you are looking at -- perhaps the input voltage exceeding the supply voltage to turn on the input clamp diode?  Form your schematic, it looks like that is not the case, but perhaps I don't understand your use case completely.

    Please point out if there is a possibility of latch-up

    Latch-up is a failure of our device -- ie you are asking me if we designed our devices to fail under normal operating conditions.  Given this, the answer is obviously 'no' -- we don't design our devices to fail. If you are exceeding the maximum ratings in the device, then yes, latch-up is a possibility - but this is true for any device. I did find a latch-up test for this device, but it was only rated to 50mA. That's still 2.5 times the datasheet rated maximum clamp current though.

    Is there a reason you are so concerned with latch-up performance? Are you planning to exceed the datasheet specifications for the input clamp diode maximum current? Perhaps we can find a different solution for you.

  • Emrys-san,

    Thank you for your response.

    〉The input current is listed in this datasheet in the same place that I pointed out last time -- is that not answering your question?

    Apologies for bothering you again.
    Customers are concerned about latch-up operation. Therefore, I asked a question just in case.
    I report the following to the customer.

    Best Regards,

  • No problem - I was just curious if there was some specific reason they were concerned with this. It's not a very common issue.