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SN74LVC8T245-EP: TTL Inputs Compatible with VCC = 5V

Part Number: SN74LVC8T245-EP
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVCC4245A-EP

SN74LVC8T245-EP accepts 5V CMOS inputs with VCC = 5V, Is there a translator the same like SN74LVC8T245-EP but accept TLL inputs with VCC = 5V? I know we can change VCC to 3.3V, so that this device will accept TTL inputs. But since we are in production, it would be good we can have the same footprint like this one and accept TLL input with VCC = 5V, so we don't have to add jumper wires for changing VCC from 5V to 3.3V.


  • Kang,

    Since the footprint is for a dual supply device, there will not likely be any devices with compatible footprints.

    I will check with my catalog counterparts to see if they are aware of anything and get back to you.  Please provide some additional details first.

    What package?  Is -EP a requirement?

    What is VCCA and VCCB?   I assume your VCC=5V is actually for A side VCCA=5V?



  • Hi Wade,

    The part number is SN74LVC8T245MPWREP, we have two of this chip in our design, one is VCCB = 5V, VCCA = 3.3V, TTL inputs come from B port, another one is VCCB = 5V, VCCA = 1.8V, TTL inputs come from B port.


  • Kang,

    Unfortunately, there is not a device that will solve your issue.

    There is a SN74LVCC4245A-EP that is close.

    However, it has VCCB constrained from 2.7 to 5.5, while VCCA is constrained to a 5V node (4.5 to 5.5).

    I did not find any other compatible footprint options.

    If this answers your question, please click "This Resolved My Issue"

  • Hi Wade,

    I think SN74LVCC4245A-EP won't work for our application, but thank you for confirming that there is not a device that will solve our issue.
