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SN74LVC8T245-Q1: maximum current draw

Part Number: SN74LVC8T245-Q1


Working a power budget for a project,

From the datasheet, the max current in 8.1 is the  “Continuous output current ±50 mA Continuous current through each VCCA, VCCB, and GND” at +/- 100mA. 

So 100mA is the max current the device will draw.

If my application draws everything the device can put out what would be my maximum current draw. 

I am having a hard time interpreting the below section of the datasheet for power consumption of the internal logic. 

If my application draws everything the IC can put out what would be my maximum current draw

  • The absolute maximum ratings tell you how much current your circuit is allowed to try to draw from the output pins. If you try to draw more, the device might be damaged.

    When an output is high, the current flows into VCCx and out of the pin; when an output is low, the current flows into the pin and out of GND.

    The ICCx specifications tell you how much current the device can use for itself, i.e., the current that flows into VCCx and out of GND. These few microamperes can usually be ignored. (When the device is switching, you have also to consider the dynamic power consumption, modelled by Cpd; see [FAQ] How do I Calculate Power Consumption or Current Consumption for my CMOS Logic Device?)

    The absolute maximum ratings include all currents, so you can use at most 100 mA − 25 µA = 99.975 mA through all I/Os. The maximum allowed current draw still is 100 mA.