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SN74LVC1G99: can it support over 1MHz frequency?

Part Number: SN74LVC1G99
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC27211A-Q1, SN74LVC2G17,

Hello TI experts,

My customer want to design the amplification circuit using Logic IC and MOSFET.

they drew a diagram for the convenience. please see the diagram below;

first they generate PLL signal which frequency is 1MHz to 3MHz, and go through 3 logic ICs, SN74LVC1G99, SN74LVC2G17 and UCC27211A-Q1.

they worried about this 3 logic ICs can support this over 1MHz PWM signal.

can you verify this diagram especially focus on the PWM frequency? I cannot find ant data about this on datasheet.

if it does now work, please recommend some ICs to replace.

please check this issue. Thanks.

Best regards,
