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LM3S817: happy that new parts arrived - but faulty/suspicious behaviour

Genius 3985 points
Part Number: LM3S817


we have an ancient product using that uC, probably 1000 parts/annual.

Till now we hadn't the time and urgent need to migrate to something new (all that validation and authority stuff..) and our main TI distri RTS at least always found parts.

But the last batch of 1000 pcs.behave very strange: RTS told us upfront 'look at them, we got them through "suspicious" channels'.

We found they are pre-programmed with a write protected boot loader from 0x0 -0x7ff. From 0x800 one can program them in normal manner.

Based on SPM044A our engieer tried to release even that area with the LM flash programm (version 1089.0.0.637 and, but with no success; even getting back 'OK' they aren't.

My engineer provided some screen shots:


Oh yes, we ordered early the year another batch, but it will arrive in Feb. 22.

So we are under a little pressure...

thx. in advance for any hint  how to fully reset these uCs !