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TMS570LS1115: I2C interrupt not working

Part Number: TMS570LS1115
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS570LS1227


I have the same problem at TMS570LS1227. Is there any progress on this issue?

  • Hi,

    If the TX interrupt is enabled, the interrupt will be generated even if length = 1. But the HAL generated code has a bug that the TX notification is not called if length=1.

    You can modify the I2C ISR as:

    Original code;


    case 5U:
    /* USER CODE BEGIN (42) */
    /* USER CODE END */
    /* transmit */

     if (g_i2cTransfer_t.length > 0U)
        i2cREG1->DXR = *;
        /*SAFETYMCUSW 567 S MR:17.1,17.4 <APPROVED> "Pointer increment needed" */;
        if(g_i2cTransfer_t.length == 0U)
        { /* Disable TX interrupt after desired data count transfered*/
            i2cREG1->IMR &= (uint32)(~(uint32)I2C_TX_INT);
            i2cNotification(i2cREG1, (uint32)I2C_TX_INT);


    Modified code;


    case 5U:
    /* USER CODE BEGIN (42) */
    /* USER CODE END */
    /* transmit */

     if (g_i2cTransfer_t.length > 0U)
        i2cREG1->DXR = *;
        /*SAFETYMCUSW 567 S MR:17.1,17.4 <APPROVED> "Pointer increment needed" */;

        if(g_i2cTransfer_t.length == 0U)
       { /* Disable TX interrupt after desired data count transfered*/
            i2cREG1->IMR &= (uint32)(~(uint32)I2C_TX_INT);
            i2cNotification(i2cREG1, (uint32)I2C_TX_INT);


  • Hi,

    Thank you very much for your quick reply. Actually, I tried your workaround but not working for me because the i2cInterrupt function is not calling by the microcontroller when length = 1. Everything is well when I change the length = 2. So I think the problem may be hardware related. Have you tried your solution? Is this workaround working in your setup?

  • The INT should be generated even if length=1



    /* Length -1 since one data is written already */
    g_i2cTransfer_t.length = (length - 1U);

    /* Enable Transmit Interrupt */
    i2c->IMR |= (uint32)I2C_TX_INT;


    I will do a quick test

  • I got the interrupt:

    I use the HAL example for my test. DATA_COUNT=1.