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I would like to use TMDSEMU200-U for CC1310 and CC2630※.
However, I can't read how the pin assignments correspond, and I'm having trouble designing.
Therefore, I would like you to answer the following questions.
1. 1. Is it possible to do the same thing as Launchpad of each chip using TMDSEMU200-U?
2. 2. How to connect ・ Correspondence between pins (Pin header will be connected on the chip side)
Thank you for your guidance.
※Correction: CC2650 is wrong. It is CC2630.
Let me add a question.
If you can't do the same thing as the Launchpad on each chip with the TMDSEMU200-U,
1.2. What can TMDSEMU200-U do for each chip?
Hi Yuta,
Sorry I am not clear on what you want to do. I can see the pin marking on TMDSEMU2000. Can you please clarify your question? It will be good if you can draw some kind of block diagram explaining what kind of connections you want to make.
Best Regards,
Nirab Ginwara.
thank you for your reply.
The connection itself is easy.
I would like to use TMDSEMU200 to make a one-to-one connection to each of CC1310 and CC2630※.
Connection via a direct connection or a connected connector.
We expect this to enable writing and control of each chip.
※Correction: CC2650 is wrong. It is CC2630.
Hi Yuta,
If you can make the proper JTAG connections (TMS, TCK, GND, etc.) from the TMDSEMU200-U debug probe to the CC2630 device, then yes it can be used.The TMDSEMU200-U has some standard adapters/connectors which you can support on your own board.
Are you using a custom CC2630 board or a TI evaluation board?
Hello Yuta,
Please refer to the XDS200 Documentation Page, XDS Target Connections Guide, and JTAG Connectors and Pinout Page. If you are using cJTAG like with the XDS100 on-board the LAUNCHXL-CC2650 or LAUNCHXL-CC1310 then you will be using VTRef, nTRST, TMS, TCK, and GND (as well as VSupply if the XDS200 is powering the target, otherwise make sure the target is supplied power externally).
Mr. Kevin Allen18.
thank you for your reply.
One unclear point has been resolved.
> Are you using a custom CC2630 board or a TI evaluation board?
Is this LAUNCHXL-CCxxxx?
I'm trying to write and control without using it.
The best is a direct connection from the TMDSEMU200.
Mr. Ryan Brown1.
Thank you for your reply.
I was illiterate about JTAG, so I wasn't sure about the connection when I looked at those pages.
I think I can understand a little now.
Let me ask you a question for a better understanding.
You and Kevin said,
> using VTRef, nTRST, TMS, TCK, and GND
Is it okay to think that "SPI CLK", "MOSI", "CTS", etc. in the LAUNCH XL-CC1310 data sheet are not essential pins for writing and control?
The SPI, UART, or I2C peripheral/pins are not necessary for JTAG programming. UART could be used for the ROM bootloader but this is not related to your request.
Mr. Ryan Brown1.
With that answer, all the problems were solved.
Thank you for your support.