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Part Number: EK-TM4C123GXL

I want to be able to read data from micro controller when I am connecting with device USB not debug. I did run the usb_dev_serial example but I do not see anything when i am accessing the board with putty.

  • Hello Ross,

    The usb_dev_serial example is basically a UART <-> USB bridge example so you need to connect cables to both USB ports. The Debug Port will be the connection to UART0 via the ICDI which acts as FTDI. The Device Port will be the connection to the USB peripheral. If you open up two terminal windows and connect to each port, you can then send data back and forth.

    Sending data from the USB terminal to the UART terminal will have the LED turn green for the duration of the transaction(s). Sending data from the UART terminal to the USB terminal (which if you want to read from USB, is what you are trying to test) will have the LED turn blue for the duration of the transaction(s).

    Best Regards,

    Ralph Jacobi

  • Hello Ralph, thank you for your response. is there anyway that I would be able to see some date on terminal when i only connect the board with usb port to PC?

  • Hi Ross,

    You'd have to modify the example to do that - that isn't part of the usb_dev_serial demo.

    Something like usb_dev_keyboard might be a suitable alternative depending what you need to see.

    Best Regards,

    Ralph Jacobi