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Hi expert,
When I used SDK( demo code on AM243x Launch Pad, R5fss0_0 - GPIO IRQ module only has Router8 & Router9, but reference TRM R5fss0_0 - GPIO IRQ module should be set from Router0 to Router15
I referenced the forums :. [FAQ] AM6442: How to configure the GPIO interrupt - Processors forum - Processors - TI E2E support forums
In AM243x SDK file " sciclient_defaultBoardcfg_rm.c " also set .num_resource = 2 & .start_resource = 8 to limit R5fss0_0 - GPIO IRQ module
Can I change two paramters that is equal to .num_resource = 16 & .start_resource = 0, let R5fss0_0 - GPIO IRQ module to use all GPIO mux ?
If I can, please tell me the modify method.
I already tried to modify the source code & use makefile rebuild the all library of the SDK, but I can't get the correct result.
So. please tell me the correct method to modify the Router setting.
Hi Bolt,
I was able to get this working in SDK 08.05 by hacking at it. Perhaps something isn't properly configured on my PC (e.g. node.js). I'll follow up with the SW Dev team to better understand how this is supposed to work.
Steps I followed:
#1: Modify resource allocation
Assign all Interrupt Router outputs to R5F0_0 in sciclient_defaultBoardcfg_rm.c (attached below).
#2: Rebuild SYSFW board configuration
I'm using SBL NULL, so I had to rebuild it as a final step and reflash it to the LP:
gmake -s -C examples/drivers/boot/sbl_null/am243x-lp/r5fss0-0_nortos/ti-arm-clang all
Note the docs have "gmake -s libs" as the build command for the SBL, which is incorrect.
#3: Modify C:\ti\mcu_plus_sdk_am243x_08_05_00_24\source\drivers\.meta\gpio\soc\getBoardConfigRm.js (attached below):
#4: You can now select any of the 16 router output in Sysconfig and recompile the application.
Hi Bolt,
I confirmed this is a bug in the SDK. I filed a bug: MCUSDK-9398. This will be fixed in a future SDK release.
Hi Frank,
Thanks for your response.
I tried this step, but I can't finish the Step #3 - "GET RM DATA" in Sysconfig".
Because I don't know how to get RM Data in Sysconfig, can you give me some step or reference to learn the operation of Sysconfig?
Sorry, the last week was chinese new year, so my response was late.
Hi Frank,
Thanks for your check & response.
Reference your step, which step would be happend the bug: MCUSDK-9398?
So, if I use SDK and follow your step, I still can't configure GPIO MUX INTRTR0 router success, is right ?
Hi Bolt,
Because I don't know how to get RM Data in Sysconfig,
Click on the "GET RM DATA" in Sysconfig, GPIO configuration.
Reference your step, which step would be happend the bug: MCUSDK-9398?
There are two related issues I filed for this bug:
So, if I use SDK and follow your step, I still can't configure GPIO MUX INTRTR0 router success, is right ?
You should be able to configure the IR routes in SDK if you follow my steps.
Hi Frank,
Thanks for your response. I know that I can configure GPIO for above step.
However, I clicked on the "GET RM DATA" in Sysconfig, GPIO configuration.
The situation was happened as below figure, and then CCS was pause in this situation.
What configuration does need to set in CCS?
Or, other SW need to install in my pc?
Hi Bolt,
Can you please try adding this to your system path?
Please let me know if this works. I don't see setup for node mentioned in the SDK setup docs.
Hi Frank,
Thanks for your response.
I put <CCS_ROOT>\ccs\tools\node to my system path. That can success to run "GET RM DATA" in Sysconfig
But, If I put the path to top, Sysconfig will open fail. So, I put the path to bottom.
I finish the all step, and then I can set to router3.
However, I get the information of SCI event config failed when I run the .out in AM243x launch pad.
How can I solve this problem ?
Hi Bolt,
But, If I put the path to top, Sysconfig will open fail. So, I put the path to bottom.
Thanks for sharing this observation. I also have C:\ti\ccs1210\ccs\utils\bin before the node path in my system path.
I get the information of SCI event config failed when I run the .out in AM243x launch pad
In addition to the steps I outlined above for "GET RM DATA", please be sure you carefully follow the steps in these docs:
If you're using SBL NULL for SOC initialization, be sure you reflash SBL NULL to the LP as documented here:
If you're using CCS scripts for SOC initialization, be sure you properly update the sciclient_set_boardcfg application .out file. Copy
If your application is in Debug build mode, it will link the Debug libraries, so I recommend building debug and release libraries as follows:
I was able to change the GPIO example to use ROUTER7 output:
I've attached the complete CCS project below.
Let me know how it goes.
Hi Frank,
Thanks for your response. I am successful with the GPIO configuration and application.
I re-executed the SYSFW Board Config Generation as figured below. Step3 changed to the new command of your description.
I use SBL NULL for SOC initialization, so I reflash SBL NULL to the LP that switch to UART BOOT MODE.
Finally, I was able to change the GPIO example to use ROUTER3 output in QSPI Boot mode.