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TM4C123GH6PM: sprintf with float, --printf_support=full and stack size to 1024 crashes

Part Number: TM4C123GH6PM


I am looking over my options for printing floats on the tm4c123 platform. I have the printf support set to full and stack size 1024, but yet the following statement:

    sprintf(debug_buffer, "%f", 1.123f);
    UARTprintf("%s", debug_buffer);

crashes at sprintf.

I have looked over examples in sensorhub, and as well as implemented my own ftoa for various float printing purposes. But I need a generic way of doing it, and I am using this in GCC with success, but having problems on CCS.

Is it possible to have full printf support with floats on tm4c123gh6pm with ccs, and what do I need to turn on.

Best regards,
