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TM4C129LNCZAD: Remote temperature sensor

Part Number: TM4C129LNCZAD

Documentation DS-TM4C129LNCZAD-15863.2743  SPMS443B  mentions Remote Temperature Sensor but no detail is given on what is meant.  Can you elaborate?  I am assuming there are temperature sensors that are meant to be used with the processor.  What are their part numbers?

  • Hi,

      It is referring to the on-chip temperature sensor that can be sampled by the ADC module. Please refer to section 18.3.6 for details. You can also find the example code in C:\ti\TivaWare_C_Series-\examples\peripherals\adc\temperature_sensor.c.

  • If you search for  " internal temperature sensor " you get 15 hits and if you search for  " Remote temperature sensor " you get 5 hits, none of which are duplicate to the other.  The below screen shot talks about Remote temperature sensor Peripheral present.  it does not say internal.  Why do they use remote?

  • Hi,

      There is no such thing as remote temperature error present in this device. It is a documentation error to even mention about it in the datasheet. In the CCS register window it shows 0 for this register. For the last five years since I support this device, I have never heard of this 'remote' temp sensor. Perhaps it was at one point to have this feature but left in the datasheet to be taken out all together. If you need temp sensor for your application, internal temp sensor is the only thing this device offers.