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Dear Support:
I am using my MSPM0L1306 LP and importing examples from SDK v0.57 and viewing .syscfg files with no issues. However when I try to do the same from the same SDK and importing for my MSPM0G3507 LP, I cannot view the .syscfg file. Instead I get this from doing so using CCS:
I have tried CCS v11.2 and CCS v12.1 and SysConfig v1.15.0 and v1.16.1 and SDK v0.57 and v0.58 and still same issue. Can you explain what is going on here and what I am missing in order to view .syscfg files in my MSPM0G CCS projects, but yet no problem in my MSPM0L CCS projects while importing examples from the same SDK?
Could you try if you can build the project successfully?
Best regards,
Cash Hao
Hey Cash:
Yes, no problem building and running the CCS projects. I just can't open the .syscfg file with the SysConfig editor. No problem opening the .syscfg file with the Text editor though, just can't use the SysConfig editor GUI. Happens to everyone of the CCS projects that I try to open - (i.e, I2C, PWM, GPIO, etc). However no such problem with the same CCS projects using the MSPM0L LP. Please advise as to what may be the problem.
What is your sysconfig version? Do you download the sysconfig installation pack on the TI website or you get it from the My secure resources for MSPM0?
Is your sysconfig installation pack like this one sysconfig-1.15.0_2729-setup.exe
Best regards,
Cash Hao
Hey Cash:
Good point and thanks for the reminder. When I installed v0.57 of the SDK, I already had v1.15.0 previously installed so that's what I used which I had downloaded from the TI website. Interesting that it worked with MSPM0L and not MSPM0G. But uninstalled it and installed the one from MySecure Resources and that fixed the problem - thanks!