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MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM243X: Create files in microSD card with long file name?

Part Number: MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM243X


I am currently trying to save some data to the microSD card connected to my AM243-EVM using the FreeRTOS FAT APIs. I see that two files get created successfully, but the third file is a bunch of Asian characters. This file name format is 11.3 (i.e. mytestfile1.bin). While doing some tests, I realized that the creation operations are limited to use a 9.3 file name format. If I shorten the name of my file to be 9 characters (plus 3 for extension), then it shows up correctly on my computer when I mount the microSD card.

What confuses me is that the read operations do not seem to share this limitation as if I copy the file with the original length (11.3) using my computer, and use the ff_open API with the original name in the AM243-EVM, I can access the file without any issues.

Things I tried:

  • Enabled LFN support
  • Disabled Short filename options
  • Did the above on FreeRTOSFATConfigDefaults.h and FreeRTOSFATConfig.h

Is there any way to increase the length of the file names in SDK 8.6? Maybe I am missing some settings?


Adan Flores

  • Hi Adan,

    It might be a limitation in the FreeRTOSFAT driver itself, as the config options didn't work for you. FreeRTOS FAT is an open source project which we make use of. Let me check this and get back to you.

    Anand Mahadevan SS

  • Hi Adan, can you try setting ffconfigUNICODE_UTF16_SUPPORT as 1 in the FreeRTOSFATConfig.h file?


    #define ffconfigUNICODE_UTF16_SUPPORT (1U)

    in addition to the options you have enabled? Because long filenames are usually stored as UTF-16.

    Anand M