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MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM243X: Create files in microSD card with long file name?

Part Number: MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM243X


I am currently trying to save some data to the microSD card connected to my AM243-EVM using the FreeRTOS FAT APIs. I see that two files get created successfully, but the third file is a bunch of Asian characters. This file name format is 11.3 (i.e. mytestfile1.bin). While doing some tests, I realized that the creation operations are limited to use a 9.3 file name format. If I shorten the name of my file to be 9 characters (plus 3 for extension), then it shows up correctly on my computer when I mount the microSD card.

What confuses me is that the read operations do not seem to share this limitation as if I copy the file with the original length (11.3) using my computer, and use the ff_open API with the original name in the AM243-EVM, I can access the file without any issues.

Things I tried:

  • Enabled LFN support
  • Disabled Short filename options
  • Did the above on FreeRTOSFATConfigDefaults.h and FreeRTOSFATConfig.h

Is there any way to increase the length of the file names in SDK 8.6? Maybe I am missing some settings?


Adan Flores