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I'm using CCS12.5 and MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM263PX v09.01.00.20.
There's no peripheral registers showing in the Registers View:
Here's what I'm expecting to see as shown in this example from AM2634:
Please urgently provide a workaround.
Hi Kier,
Peripheral register view is not typically a feature that we release during the product preview stage of the device, which is the case for AM263P currently so there is unfortunately no support for this yet. This feature will be enabled by the time the product is fully released.
In the meantime you can use the memory view to communicate and check the registers.
Hi Daniel,
Thanks....I guess.
I realise that you're not personally responsible so please pass my view that it is completely absurd.
I can download the SDK and the register addendum, even buy the EVM, and yet I can't actually do any serious development for the lack of a single XML file. Granted, the product is in preview stage so why not provide a preview stage database file with accompanying disclaimers?
There's the product release but the key milestone is the point at which the necessary file(s) are included in CCSTUDIO.
Can you please let me know when the latter will occur?
Hi Kier,
Peripheral support requires an xml for every single peripheral in the device. I reached out to the experts that handle the creation of these files and we have set up a call for next week to discuss next steps and how to use our new parsing tools as they have recently gone through some changes.
I don't believe you would have to wait until the product is fully released to have access to these files. I will raise priority on this to make sure we deliver a good development experience as soon as possible.
Could you also please tell me which peripherals were you hoping to interface with in your application?
Hi Daniel,
Thank you very much for progressing the issue.
Right now we are using GPIO, RTI, UART, MCAN, EPWM in AM2634 but we're at an early stage of development so the list will grow. I don't have a good enough project overview to be sure of the final list.
By the way, I made a homebrew file (C:\ti\ccs1250\ccs\ccs_base\common\targetdb\devices\AM263p.xml) by carrying over the peripheral references from AM263x.xml to AM263p.xml. It assumes of course that all the peripherals are identical in form and number and that they are at the same addresses. Inevitably some of them will be different but, like a medieval map, it's not perfect but better than nothing.
Hi Kier,
The reason I was asking about which peripherals you are currently using was to see if a temporary xml reusing the AM263x Modules could be a solution in this case, glad to see that you got ahead of the suggestion and it is working fine for now. I will continue the effort and update periodically on the status of these files.