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Tool/software: MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM263PX
Following examples are failing in SDK 10.01.00 version in am263px-cc PROC159A board:
Error observed while running ospi examples:
This issue is happening due to board version mismatch as the new revision boards (PROC159A) have a flash reset mechanism similar to am263px-lp. The ospi flash reset signal is directly coming from the SOC and not via IO expander, which was the case in previous revisions E1/E2.
1. For MCAN/Resolver examples:
void mcanEnableTransceiver() { int32_t status = SystemP_SUCCESS; uint8_t boardVer[2] = ""; Board_eepromOpen(); status = EEPROM_read(gEepromHandle[CONFIG_EEPROM0], EEPROM_OFFSET_READ_PCB_REV, boardVer, EEPROM_READ_PCB_REV_DATA_LEN); if(status == SystemP_SUCCESS) { if(boardVer[0] == 'A' && boardVer[1] == '\0') { /* boardVer is REV A */ status = TCA6424_Mcan_Transceiver(); } else if(boardVer[1] == '2' && boardVer[0] == 'E') { /* boardVer is E2 */ status = TCA6424_Mcan_Transceiver(); } else if(boardVer[1] == '1' && boardVer[0] == 'E') { /* boardVer is E1 */ /* MCAN Transceiver is enabled by default in E1*/ } else { /* boardVer is not valid */ /* Do nothing */ } } DebugP_assert(status == SystemP_SUCCESS); Board_eepromClose(); }
void i2c_io_expander_resolver_adc(void) { int32_t status = SystemP_SUCCESS; uint32_t boardVer_offset = 0x1AU; uint32_t boardVer_length = 0x2U; // 2 char uint8_t boardVer[2] = ""; status = EEPROM_read(gEepromHandle[CONFIG_EEPROM0], boardVer_offset, boardVer, boardVer_length); if(status == SystemP_SUCCESS) { /* read successful */ if(boardVer[0] == 'A' && boardVer[1] == '\0') { /* boardVer is REV A */ DebugP_log("Detected CC version is REV A. Calling TCA6424 Drivers for io expander configurations\r\n"); i2c_io_expander_resolver_adc_gTCA6424(); } else if(boardVer[1] == '1' && boardVer[0] == 'E') { /* boardVer is E1 */ DebugP_log("Detected CC version is E1. Calling TCA6416 Drivers for io expander configurations\r\n"); i2c_io_expander_resolver_adc_gTCA6416(); } else if(boardVer[1] == '2' && boardVer[0] == 'E') { /* boardVer is E2 */ DebugP_log("Detected CC version is E2. Calling TCA6424 Drivers for io expander configurations\r\n"); i2c_io_expander_resolver_adc_gTCA6424(); } else { /* boardVer is invalid */ /* Do nothing */ } } else { DebugP_log("EEPROM read failed. aborting\r\n"); DebugP_assert(0); } }
2. For SBL OSPI/OSPI examples
• Go to source/sysconfig/drivers/.meta/ospi/v0/ospi_v0.syscfg.js and replace the syscfg.js file with the updated file attached
• It exposes the OSPI_RESET_OUT0 signal to sysconfig.
• Go to source/drivers/ospi/v0 and paste the contents of the Click merge folder and replace files whenever prompted by the system.
• Go to examples/drivers/boot/sbl_ospi/am263px-cc/r5fss0-0_nortos and paste the contents of Click merge folder and replace files whenever prompted by the system.
• Go to examples/drivers/ospi/ospi_flash_io and paste the contents of Click merge folder and replace files whenever prompted.
• Make similar changes to the other required ospi examples.