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Hi TI Expert,
In MCAN message RAM configuration that has been configured to have two RX FIFO message elements, is it possible to have the elements dedicated to a particular CAN ID receive?
if yes, could you please tell me how to configure this?
I am facing an issue where even when I send only one message, this message is filled up in both the RX FIFO elements. And when I send two different messages, only one message gets filled in both the RX FIFO elements and I don't receive the other message.
Hi Sue,
Can you post the configuration in question and how the CAN data is being received too?
Have you referenced our provided SDK examples for MCAN yet? I'd like to know what you did the same or different compared to that.
Best Regards,
Ralph Jacobi
Hi Ralph,
Thanks for your response.
My configuration is similar to 'MCAN Loopback Polling' example from SDK. I also ran this example on the development board where I disabled the internal loopback mode and only sent one message (with ID "0xD0U") from CAN tool and saw that message "0xD0U" filling up all the five RX FIFO elements in the MCAN message RAM.
How to configure the driver so that each RX FIFO element is dedicated to only one CAN message ID and does not end up filling all the RX FIFO elements?
Hello Sue,
I tried to dig into this some today but I will need to get one of our software experts to help further. This is a holiday weekend however so please expect a response early next week.
Thanks for highlighting that this can be created from the SDK example and how you did so, that should enable quicker reproduction and debug of what you are observing.
Best Regards,
Ralph Jacobi
Hi Sue,
Thanks for the follow up, I don't have an immediate update but I will circle back with our teams on this topic.
Best Regards,
Ralph Jacobi
Hi Aswathi,
I ran the example almost as-is and sent only only message from CAN tool instead of five to see how the message is getting stored in RX FIFO elements in MCAN RAM memory. I have attached my example code file here.
/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* This example demonstrates the CAN message transmission and reception in * digital loop back mode with the following configuration. * * Classic CAN Message Format. * Message ID Type is Extended, Msg Id 0xD0, 0xD1, 0xD2, 0xD3, 0xD4. * MCAN is configured in Polling Mode. * Arbitration Bit Rate 1Mbps. * Data Bit Rate 5Mbps. * Classic Bit Mask Acceptance Filtering type is used. * FIFO mode is used for Tx and RX to store message in message RAM. * * 5 Messages are transmitted and received back internally using internal loopback * mode. When all the 5 messages received with the id and the data matches * with the transmitted one, then the example is completed. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <kernel/dpl/DebugP.h> #include <kernel/dpl/AddrTranslateP.h> #include <drivers/mcan.h> #include "ti_drivers_config.h" #include "ti_drivers_open_close.h" #include "ti_board_open_close.h" #define APP_MCAN_BASE_ADDR (CONFIG_MCAN0_BASE_ADDR) #define APP_MCAN_INTR_NUM (CONFIG_MCAN0_INTR) #define APP_MCAN_MSG_LOOP_COUNT (10U) /* Allocate Message RAM memory section to filter elements, buffers, FIFO */ /* Maximum STD Filter Element can be configured is 128 */ #define APP_MCAN_STD_ID_FILTER_CNT (0U) /* Maximum EXT Filter Element can be configured is 64 */ #define APP_MCAN_EXT_ID_FILTER_CNT (5U) /* Maximum TX Buffer + TX FIFO, combined can be configured is 32 */ #define APP_MCAN_TX_BUFF_CNT (0U) #define APP_MCAN_TX_FIFO_CNT (5U) /* Maximum TX Event FIFO can be configured is 32 */ #define APP_MCAN_TX_EVENT_FIFO_CNT (0U) /* Maximum RX FIFO 0 can be configured is 64 */ #define APP_MCAN_FIFO_0_CNT (5U) /* Maximum RX FIFO 1 can be configured is 64 and * rest of the memory is allocated to RX buffer which is again of max size 64 */ #define APP_MCAN_FIFO_1_CNT (0U) /* Extended Id configured in this app */ #define APP_MCAN_EXT_ID (0xD0U) #define APP_MCAN_EXT_ID_MASK (0x1FFFFFFFU) /* Classic Bit Mask Filter */ #define APP_MCAN_CLASSIC_BIT_MASK (0xFFFFFFFFU) /* In the CAN FD format, the Data length coding differs from the standard CAN. * In case of standard CAN it is 8 bytes */ static const uint8_t gMcanDataSize[16U] = {0U, 1U, 2U, 3U, 4U, 5U, 6U, 7U, 8U, 12U, 16U, 20U, 24U, 32U, 48U, 64U}; static uint32_t gMcanBaseAddr; /* Static Function Declarations */ static void App_mcanConfig(Bool enableInternalLpbk); static void App_mcanInitMsgRamConfigParams( MCAN_MsgRAMConfigParams *msgRAMConfigParams); static void App_mcanConfigTxMsg(MCAN_TxBufElement *txMsg, uint32_t idx); static void App_mcanCompareMsg(MCAN_TxBufElement *txMsg, MCAN_RxBufElement *rxMsg); static void App_mcanInitExtFilterElemParams( MCAN_ExtMsgIDFilterElement *extFiltElem, uint32_t bufNum);; void mcan_loopback_polling_main(void *args) { int32_t status = SystemP_SUCCESS; MCAN_TxBufElement txMsg[APP_MCAN_TX_FIFO_CNT]; MCAN_ProtocolStatus protStatus; MCAN_RxBufElement rxMsg; MCAN_ErrCntStatus errCounter; uint32_t i, j, fifoStartIdx, bitPos = 0U; uint32_t txStatus, loopCnt, fifoFillLvl; MCAN_RxFIFOStatus fifoStatus; /* Open drivers to open the UART driver for console */ Drivers_open(); Board_driversOpen(); DebugP_log("[MCAN] Loopback Polling mode, application started ...\r\n"); /* Assign MCAN instance address */ gMcanBaseAddr = (uint32_t) AddrTranslateP_getLocalAddr(APP_MCAN_BASE_ADDR); /* Configure MCAN module, Enable LoopBack Mode */ App_mcanConfig(FALSE); /* Transmit And Receive Message */ for (i = 0U; i < APP_MCAN_MSG_LOOP_COUNT; i++) { /* Transmit Message from FIFO */ for(j = 0U; j < APP_MCAN_TX_FIFO_CNT; j++) { /* Configure Tx Msg to transmit */ App_mcanConfigTxMsg(&txMsg[j], j); /* Select buffer/FIFO number, 32 available together combined */ fifoStartIdx = j; /* Write message to Msg RAM */ MCAN_writeMsgRam(gMcanBaseAddr, MCAN_MEM_TYPE_FIFO, fifoStartIdx, &txMsg[j]); /* Add request for transmission, This function will trigger transmission */ status = MCAN_txBufAddReq(gMcanBaseAddr, fifoStartIdx); DebugP_assert(status == CSL_PASS); bitPos = (1U << fifoStartIdx); /* Poll for Tx completion */ #if 0 do { txStatus = MCAN_getTxBufTransmissionStatus(gMcanBaseAddr); }while((txStatus & bitPos) != bitPos); #endif MCAN_getProtocolStatus(gMcanBaseAddr, &protStatus); /* Checking for Tx Errors */ if (((MCAN_ERR_CODE_NO_ERROR != protStatus.lastErrCode) || (MCAN_ERR_CODE_NO_CHANGE != protStatus.lastErrCode)) && ((MCAN_ERR_CODE_NO_ERROR != protStatus.dlec) || (MCAN_ERR_CODE_NO_CHANGE != protStatus.dlec)) && (0U != protStatus.pxe)) { DebugP_assert(FALSE); } } /* Poll for Rx completion */ fifoStatus.num = MCAN_RX_FIFO_NUM_0; #if 0 do { MCAN_getRxFIFOStatus(gMcanBaseAddr, &fifoStatus); fifoFillLvl = fifoStatus.fillLvl; }while(fifoFillLvl != APP_MCAN_FIFO_0_CNT); #endif for(loopCnt = 0U ; loopCnt < fifoFillLvl ; loopCnt++) { /* Checking for Rx Errors */ MCAN_getErrCounters(gMcanBaseAddr, &errCounter); DebugP_assert((0U == errCounter.recErrCnt) && (0U == errCounter.canErrLogCnt)); MCAN_getRxFIFOStatus(gMcanBaseAddr, &fifoStatus); MCAN_readMsgRam(gMcanBaseAddr, MCAN_MEM_TYPE_FIFO, fifoStatus.getIdx, fifoStatus.num, &rxMsg); (void) MCAN_writeRxFIFOAck(gMcanBaseAddr, fifoStatus.num, fifoStatus.getIdx); /* Compare Tx/Rx data */ App_mcanCompareMsg(&txMsg[loopCnt], &rxMsg); } } DebugP_log("All tests have passed!!\r\n"); Board_driversClose(); Drivers_close(); return; } static void App_mcanConfig(Bool enableInternalLpbk) { MCAN_ExtMsgIDFilterElement extFiltElem[APP_MCAN_EXT_ID_FILTER_CNT] = {0U}; MCAN_InitParams initParams = {0U}; MCAN_ConfigParams configParams = {0U}; MCAN_MsgRAMConfigParams msgRAMConfigParams = {0U}; MCAN_BitTimingParams bitTimes = {0U}; uint32_t i; /* Initialize MCAN module initParams */ MCAN_initOperModeParams(&initParams); /* CAN FD Mode and Bit Rate Switch Disabled */ initParams.fdMode = FALSE; initParams.brsEnable = FALSE; /* Initialize MCAN module Global Filter Params */ MCAN_initGlobalFilterConfigParams(&configParams); /* Initialize MCAN module Bit Time Params */ /* Configuring default 1Mbps and 5Mbps as nominal and data bit-rate resp */ MCAN_initSetBitTimeParams(&bitTimes); /* Initialize MCAN module Message Ram Params */ App_mcanInitMsgRamConfigParams(&msgRAMConfigParams); /* Initialize Filter element to receive msg, should be same as tx msg id */ for (i = 0U; i < APP_MCAN_EXT_ID_FILTER_CNT; i++) { App_mcanInitExtFilterElemParams(&extFiltElem[i], i); } /* wait for memory initialization to happen */ while (FALSE == MCAN_isMemInitDone(gMcanBaseAddr)) {} /* Put MCAN in SW initialization mode */ MCAN_setOpMode(gMcanBaseAddr, MCAN_OPERATION_MODE_SW_INIT); while (MCAN_OPERATION_MODE_SW_INIT != MCAN_getOpMode(gMcanBaseAddr)) {} /* Initialize MCAN module */ MCAN_init(gMcanBaseAddr, &initParams); /* Configure MCAN module Gloabal Filter */ MCAN_config(gMcanBaseAddr, &configParams); /* Configure Bit timings */ MCAN_setBitTime(gMcanBaseAddr, &bitTimes); /* Configure Message RAM Sections */ MCAN_msgRAMConfig(gMcanBaseAddr, &msgRAMConfigParams); /* Set Extended ID Mask */ MCAN_setExtIDAndMask(gMcanBaseAddr, APP_MCAN_EXT_ID_MASK); /* Configure Standard ID filter element */ for (i = 0U; i < APP_MCAN_EXT_ID_FILTER_CNT; i++) { MCAN_addExtMsgIDFilter(gMcanBaseAddr, i, &extFiltElem[i]); } if (TRUE == enableInternalLpbk) { MCAN_lpbkModeEnable(gMcanBaseAddr, MCAN_LPBK_MODE_INTERNAL, TRUE); } /* Take MCAN out of the SW initialization mode */ MCAN_setOpMode(gMcanBaseAddr, MCAN_OPERATION_MODE_NORMAL); while (MCAN_OPERATION_MODE_NORMAL != MCAN_getOpMode(gMcanBaseAddr)) {} return; } static void App_mcanConfigTxMsg(MCAN_TxBufElement *txMsg, uint32_t idx) { uint32_t i; /* Initialize message to transmit */ MCAN_initTxBufElement(txMsg); /* Standard message identifier 11 bit, stored into ID[28-18] */ txMsg->id = ((APP_MCAN_EXT_ID+idx) & APP_MCAN_EXT_ID_MASK); //((APP_MCAN_EXT_ID + idx) & APP_MCAN_EXT_ID_MASK); txMsg->dlc = MCAN_DATA_SIZE_8BYTES; /* Payload size is 64 bytes */ txMsg->fdf = FALSE; /* It's a Classic CAN Frame Format, */ txMsg->xtd = TRUE; /* Extended id configured */ /* Data Payload is 8bytes */ for (i = 0U; i < gMcanDataSize[MCAN_DATA_SIZE_8BYTES]; i++) { txMsg->data[i] = i; } return; } static void App_mcanInitExtFilterElemParams(MCAN_ExtMsgIDFilterElement *extFiltElem, uint32_t bufNum) { /* efid1 defines the ID of the standard message to be stored. * Message id configured is 0xD0 to 0xD4 */ extFiltElem->efid1 = APP_MCAN_EXT_ID + bufNum; /* As fifo mode is selected, efid2 should be mask */ extFiltElem->efid2 = APP_MCAN_CLASSIC_BIT_MASK; /* Store message in buffer */ extFiltElem->efec = MCAN_STD_FILT_ELEM_FIFO0; /* Below configuration is ignored if message is stored in buffer */ extFiltElem->eft = MCAN_STD_FILT_TYPE_CLASSIC; return; } static void App_mcanInitMsgRamConfigParams(MCAN_MsgRAMConfigParams *msgRAMConfigParams) { int32_t status; MCAN_initMsgRamConfigParams(msgRAMConfigParams); /* Configure the user required msg ram params */ msgRAMConfigParams->lss = APP_MCAN_STD_ID_FILTER_CNT; msgRAMConfigParams->lse = APP_MCAN_EXT_ID_FILTER_CNT; msgRAMConfigParams->txBufCnt = APP_MCAN_TX_BUFF_CNT; msgRAMConfigParams->txFIFOCnt = APP_MCAN_TX_FIFO_CNT; /* Buffer/FIFO mode is selected */ msgRAMConfigParams->txBufMode = MCAN_TX_MEM_TYPE_BUF; msgRAMConfigParams->txEventFIFOCnt = APP_MCAN_TX_EVENT_FIFO_CNT; msgRAMConfigParams->rxFIFO0Cnt = APP_MCAN_FIFO_0_CNT; msgRAMConfigParams->rxFIFO1Cnt = APP_MCAN_FIFO_1_CNT; /* FIFO blocking mode is selected */ msgRAMConfigParams->rxFIFO0OpMode = MCAN_RX_FIFO_OPERATION_MODE_BLOCKING; msgRAMConfigParams->rxFIFO1OpMode = MCAN_RX_FIFO_OPERATION_MODE_BLOCKING; status = MCAN_calcMsgRamParamsStartAddr(msgRAMConfigParams); DebugP_assert(status == CSL_PASS); return; } static void App_mcanCompareMsg(MCAN_TxBufElement *txMsg, MCAN_RxBufElement *rxMsg) { uint32_t i; if ((txMsg->id & APP_MCAN_EXT_ID_MASK) == (rxMsg->id & APP_MCAN_EXT_ID_MASK)) { for (i = 0U; i < gMcanDataSize[MCAN_DATA_SIZE_8BYTES]; i++) { if (txMsg->data[i] != rxMsg->data[i]) { DebugP_logError("Data mismatch !!!\r\n"); DebugP_assert(FALSE); } } } else { DebugP_logError("Message ID mismatch !!!\r\n"); DebugP_assert(FALSE); } return; }
Hi Sue, apologies for the delay, we had a couple of holidays here.
I have gone through the application, what I am understanding is you have disabled the internal loopback mode and are trying to receive and transmit the frames externally. But I don't understand why you have disabled Tx and Rx completion polling. I am assuming it was done only for debugging purposes, will that be right?
The issue you mentioned was that the same message 0xD0 was getting filled in all 5 FIFO indexes, and the next message is not being written into the FIFO.
But I have tried the program from my side, and I am unable to reproduce this issue. It is working as expected.
The initial FIFO state is all params = zeroes.
Now when I send 0xD0, it is being placed in FIFO Lvl 1, and putIndex updated to '1':
After sending the second message 0xD1:
Can you check if you are sending the messages in correct order? For simplicity you can update the macro APP_MCAN_MSG_LOOP_COUNT from 10U to 1U, so that you have to send the messages only for one iteration.