Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN
Related to this other e2e thread.
The I2C TXRDY interrupts never fire (while the RX works fine)
As I mentioned, in my other e2e thread, my i2c bus is working properly. I can receive and send data successfully on the bus.
That said, while the RX interrupts are working correctly, I never receive TX interrupts. Even if they are enabled in halcodegen.
Please note that this issue already has been raised by user5967417:
In this thread, it looks like even with the modified code, they can't receive TX ISR.
> Actually, I tried your workaround but not working for me because the i2cInterrupt function is not called by the microcontroller when length = 1. Everything is well when I change the length = 2.
> So I think the problem may be hardware-related. Have you tried your solution? Is this workaround working in your setup?
As the i2c transmission is working fine on my bench, don't think it's a pull-up resistance or bus problem.
I didn't verify the ACK from the slave, but as I received multiple bytes from the slave correctly, it seems unlikely that I would not receive NACK.
Are you sure there's no possibility it's another HalCoGen bug?