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Part Number: MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM273X
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG

Hi I am having an  am273x  evm board . I am  having  query regrading  mcan modes.

  mcan supports three modes 

1. mcan_external_loopback_interrupt_am273x-evm

2. mcan_loopback_inerrupt_am273x-evm.

3. mcan_loopback_polling_am273x_evm.

I am  trying  to capture Tx/Rx packets using  PCAN-VIEW. Does am273x  evm  support PCAN-VIEW.

if yes, which mode is more compatible for that? How do I enable Tx/Rx via CAN ports to/from PCAN-View?

Please let me know and provide information for Hardware connection  using  PCAN-VIEW.

  • Hi, 

    Unfortunately, the EVM examples are all loopback mode examples. I suggest starting with the "mcan_external_loopback_interrupt_am273x-evm" and make a useable multi-device application example to start. I don't know PCAN-VIEW yet, but I suspect it acts like a MCAN device on the bus, correct? 

    1. mcan_external_loopback_interrupt_am273x-evm -> TX -> RX loopback through the MCAN breakout pins

    2. mcan_loopback_inerrupt_am273x-evm - > on-die (internal) TX -> RX loopback. Does not go through the board. 

    3. mcan_loopback_polling_am273x_evm. - > on-die (internal) TX -> RX loopback. Does not go through the board. 

    Let me know if that helps. 


  • Hi I  Randy thanks for response but i am still having  query related to PCAN-VIEW. Does mcan.c  default driver code support PCAN-VIEW tool or some custom changes require from 

    driver or there is some additional library is there for pcan-view. Please me know that details.  

  • Hi Suveer, 

    The MCAN example are very simple and do not attempt to implement any specific CAN debug messaging, like PCAN-VIEW. The SDK user would need to implement a PCAN-VIEW driver. 

    Thank you,


  • Hi Randy i have attached CAN_Use_case_PCAN.drawio file this is my hardware setup.
    as you mentioned  in previous comments it requires pcan-view driver support from sdk end your means changes required MCU+SDK for AM273x.
    Please can you elaborate more regarding changes from driver end.
    which type of custom changes required for sdk driver. I am having few questions related to that.

    1. How to set buad rate to exchangs can messages from pcan-view to AM273x.
    Note-I have a option to change baud rate in pcan-view tool so i have to match this in TI SOC(AM273x) driver program
    How do we do that?

    2. Please can you elborate which type of change required from AM273x-evm from driver end.Please provide some kind of refernece for

    3. In case We have integrate pcan-view driver form AM273x soc end. Please can you provide some kind of reference for that.

  • Hi Suveer, 

    Understood on the questions. I am going to pass these questions along to another team member for more SDK support. 

    Thank you,


  • Hi Suveer,

    Apologies for delayed response. Please find my answer below

    1. You can use the example SysConfig to setup and configure the MCAL module. Open example sysconfig and update the same.
    2. For communication to PCAN you don't need to modify the driver and you can work with MCAN_EXTERNAL_LOOPBACK_INTERRUPT example of SDK. This example is on board to board pin communication example with 2 MCAN instance and you can modify this to use only 1 MCAN instance and have other end as PCAN. We don't have PCAN based example but this example will be easy to modify and use.
    3. Refer 2

