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Hi I am having an am273x evm board . I am having query regrading mcan modes.
mcan supports three modes
1. mcan_external_loopback_interrupt_am273x-evm
2. mcan_loopback_inerrupt_am273x-evm.
3. mcan_loopback_polling_am273x_evm.
I am trying to capture Tx/Rx packets using PCAN-VIEW. Does am273x evm support PCAN-VIEW.
if yes, which mode is more compatible for that? How do I enable Tx/Rx via CAN ports to/from PCAN-View?
Please let me know and provide information for Hardware connection using PCAN-VIEW.
Unfortunately, the EVM examples are all loopback mode examples. I suggest starting with the "mcan_external_loopback_interrupt_am273x-evm" and make a useable multi-device application example to start. I don't know PCAN-VIEW yet, but I suspect it acts like a MCAN device on the bus, correct?
1. mcan_external_loopback_interrupt_am273x-evm -> TX -> RX loopback through the MCAN breakout pins
2. mcan_loopback_inerrupt_am273x-evm - > on-die (internal) TX -> RX loopback. Does not go through the board.
3. mcan_loopback_polling_am273x_evm. - > on-die (internal) TX -> RX loopback. Does not go through the board.
Let me know if that helps.
Hi I Randy thanks for response but i am still having query related to PCAN-VIEW. Does mcan.c default driver code support PCAN-VIEW tool or some custom changes require from
driver or there is some additional library is there for pcan-view. Please me know that details.
Hi Suveer,
The MCAN example are very simple and do not attempt to implement any specific CAN debug messaging, like PCAN-VIEW. The SDK user would need to implement a PCAN-VIEW driver.
Thank you,
Hi Randy i have attached CAN_Use_case_PCAN.drawio file this is my hardware setup.
as you mentioned in previous comments it requires pcan-view driver support from sdk end your means changes required MCU+SDK for AM273x.
Please can you elaborate more regarding changes from driver end.
which type of custom changes required for sdk driver. I am having few questions related to that.
1. How to set buad rate to exchangs can messages from pcan-view to AM273x.
Note-I have a option to change baud rate in pcan-view tool so i have to match this in TI SOC(AM273x) driver program
How do we do that?
2. Please can you elborate which type of change required from AM273x-evm from driver end.Please provide some kind of refernece for
3. In case We have integrate pcan-view driver form AM273x soc end. Please can you provide some kind of reference for that.
Hi Suveer,
Understood on the questions. I am going to pass these questions along to another team member for more SDK support.
Thank you,
Hi Suveer,
Apologies for delayed response. Please find my answer below