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MSPM0L1105: CORTEX_M0P: Error connecting to the target: (Error -6305) PRSC module failed to write to a router register. (Emulation package

Part Number: MSPM0L1105

i m trying to erase my controller using XDS110. I have come across the following problem while trying to connect to my MSPM0l1105 using code composer studio. In particularhe following error.

CORTEX_M0P: Error connecting to the target: (Error -6305) PRSC module failed to write to a router register. (Emulation package

  • Have you try to do a factory reset to recover the MSPM0?

  • Hi,
    i m not able to connect both cores while connecting its showing error.

    only one core is connecting with the help of that i m trying to reset (mass reset manual and factory reset manual) but getting error this error

    CS_DAP_0: GEL Output: Command Sent
    CS_DAP_0: GEL Output: Press the reset button...
    CS_DAP_0: Trouble Reading Register SECAP_RCR: (Error -2131 @ 0x2020C) Unable to access device register. Reset the device, and retry the operation. If error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK). (Emulation package
    CS_DAP_0: GEL: Error while executing GEL_DAPInit_SECAPCommand(): Target failed to read register SECAP_RCR
    at ('REG'::SECAP_RCR&0xFFFFU) [mspm0_cs_dap_init.gel:243]
    at GEL_DAPInit_WaitForResponse() [mspm0_cs_dap_init.gel:393]
    at GEL_DAPInit_SECAPCommand()

  • If your flow is right, I assume the device will can't be recoverd.