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TM4C129X Development Board qs-weather bugs


Just received the DK-TM4C129X development board.  Followed the Getting Started Guide for the Quickstart Application.

In the last hour of playing with this we have noted:

If you tap to thru the list faster than it receives weather info, it stops updating the remaining cities.

If you let it sit for more than 5 minutes, the interface locks up and does not switch cities or accept user input from the touch sensor (However Ethernet Activity LED continues to blink)

Some cities show bogus data (see attached)

Is there an updated firmware .bin file for this qs-weather example available?

Thank you

  • Might that 489°F reading have received the same scrutiny as past gymnasts - reported to have logged 16+ years?

  • Hi Jason Williams,

       Recently I bought DK-TM4C129X development board.  Followed the Getting Started Guide for the Quickstart Application. But that PreProgrammed quick start application is not running and there is no indication for Ethernet connection after connecting Lan cable.

    Display is also Blank(no contents show in display).  In Tiva C Series TM4C129X Development Kit ReadMe First document says that 

    "Once the board powers up,the power LEDs at the center left of the board (D9 and D10) light up and the preloaded quickstart application begins to run.
    The Texas Instruments logo appears on the color QVGA screen"

    Are we missing any settings to run PreProgrammed quick start application?

    Do we need to Flash any image for running PreProgrammed quick start application?

    In our Development kit board D1 light is always blinking

    I'm using windows 7 32 bit system and installed all drivers successfully for development kit

    How to debug this issue?

  • Hi Goddam,

    Just a guess, but if D1 is blinking it sounds like your power supply is going into current limit.  My board draws 205mA with the qs-weather application running.  Assuming the demo board is not defective, try plugging the USB cable into a different computer or a good quality USB charging adapter (such as for iPad or Android tablet).

    When you do get it running, let me know if you are having the same software issues I am.

    Good Luck! 

  • Jason,
    • In TempCtoF() should contain all int32_t data types not uint32_t:

      static int32_t
      TempCtoF(int32_t i32Temp)
      // Only convert if measurements are not in Celsius.
      if(g_sConfig.bCelsius == false)
      i32Temp = ((i32Temp * 9) / 5) + 32;


    • In EnetEvents() change the else if() to:

    else if(ui32Event == ETH_EVENT_DISCONNECT)
    // If a city was waiting to be updated then reset its data.
    if(g_iState != STATE_CONNECTED_IDLE)


    // Update the address to
    UpdateIPAddress(g_pcIPAddr, 0);

    We have changed these and will be in the next release. We were unable to reproduce your issue when rapidly changing screens however.

  • David, 

    Thank you for looking into this.

    I installed CCS, modified qs_weather.c file as you instructed, built the project and loaded the new bin file into the dev board using the LM Flash Programmer.  The F temperature display is now correct and the freezing seems to have disappeared.

    Thank you!!

  • Jason Williams said:
    The F temperature display is now correct (down from 489°F) 

    And - suspect that several (once) underage gymnasts have now "dialed down" their AC...

    Good that your find & skilled presentation here has resolved...