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Question of Hercules development kit

Dear all,

I order a hercules development kit (TMDX570LS12HDK) and receive it today. But the core number is TMX570LS1227 not TMS570LS1227. I want to confirm that it is normal? In my opinion, TMX is a sample, and It has a greater failure rate than TMS. Please help us to clear this question.

Best Regards,


  • Fan,

    TMX is a prototype and TMS is production released silicon.  In this specific case, the silicon revision should be exactly the same and the level of test for TMX was very close to production quality.  This device just TMS released in 4Q13 and the development boards were built before this, so we had to use TMX silicon.  In any case, we see very low risk you will see any issue using this silicon.   In any case the board is TMDX and is intended for development use only, but again, we see this as very low risk.

    Hope this clear your question.

