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Can I program an empty TM4C1294 FLASH via Ethernet/USB with the LM Flash Programmer when ROM boot loader is enabled?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TM4C129ENCPDT

Hi Champs,

I took a look at the following posts, but I'm not sure if I can program an empty TM4C1294 FLASH via Ethernet/USB
with the LM Flash Programmer when ROM boot loader is enabled or not.

So, could you please make sure of it?

  o Using LM Flash Programmer on a fresh TM4C1294?

    ...The following post was the latest on the same which we closed and the poster
    put the steps as well for all our readings.

    ...n his last post, he reverted the status "working" to "not working in general"

  o ROM_UpdateEMAC, available on TM4C129ENCPDT?

Best regards,

  • Hello J-breeze

    On an empty part the ROM Boot Loader is active and USB boot loader can be used as is. However for ethernet boot loader to work a MAC address must be first programmed to the USER REGISTER 0 and 1 using JTAG or a flash based boot loader must be used for ethernet in which the MAC address is first given.
  • Hi Amit,

    Thank you for your reply, and I'd like to ask you one more question about the USB DFU boot loader.

    I tried program an empty TM4C1294 FLASH via USB with LM Flash Programmer when ROM boot loader is enabled. But LM Flash Programmer Utility could not detect the USB DFU and I got an error massage below.

    " An error was reported communication with the USB device. "
    " Error -3: DFU _ERR_NOT_FOUND "

    Could you please let me know the possible causes?

    Best regards,
  • Hello J-breeze

    1. Are you using ethernet on the device?
    2. Are you using an external crystal on the device as the main oscillator?
    3. Is the RBIAS pin connected to GND via the required 4.89K resistor?
  • Hi Amit,

    Thank you for your support. I'll answer your questions.

    1. Are you using ethernet on the device?

    Yes. I am using it.

    2. Are you using an external crystal on the device as the main oscillator?

    Yes. I am using a NX3225GA-25.000MHZ-STD-CRG-2 as the external crystal .

    3. Is the RBIAS pin connected to GND via the required 4.89K resistor?

    Yes. The pin is connected to GND via 4.87K 1% resistor.

    Best regards,
  • Hello j-breeze

    So the errata does not apply here. When you connected the device to the PC, does the windows device manager show a Tiva/Stellaris DFU class device?
  • Hi Amit,

    I'm sorry, there was a problem with recognizing the USB DFU class on my PC.
    Now, the boot works fine.

    I really appreciated your support.

    Best regards,
  • Hello J-breeze

    I did not quite get it. What was the problem for the PC to recognize the DFU class device?
  • Hi Amit,

    Actually, I have to ask my customer about it. If I can get it, I will inform you.

    Best regards,
  • Hi Amit,

    My customer checked the boot on their board. He thought there were something wrong settings on a TM4C1294 evm he used. But he did not want to clarify them any more.

    I'd like to ask for your kind understanding.

    Best regards,
  • Hello J-breeze
