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CCS/TM4C1294NCPDT: enet_s2e Example building Error with

Part Number: TM4C1294NCPDT

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


This is like the older post that used version TivaWare_C_Series- of which I have applied the fixes

from that post but still have the same build error that changing to PortYIELD fixed with

vPortYield doe not work either,  I can not find the def of the function

unresolved symbol PortYIELD, first referenced in ./serial_task.obj     enet_s2e                                     C/C++ Problem  
gmake: Target 'all' not remade because of errors.                                  enet_s2e                                     C/C++ Problem  
gmake: *** [enet_s2e.out] Error 1                                                               enet_s2e                                     C/C++ Problem

<a href=""> unresolved symbols remain    enet_s2e     C/C++ Problem

#10010 errors encountered during linking; "enet_s2e.out" not built    enet_s2e                                     C/C++ Problem

Thanks much for looking at this a lot to learn here

dave h

  • Hello Dave,
    I'll move your thread to the TM4C forums. The experts there are most familiar with TivaWare and can help you best.

  • Hello Dave,

    Please refer to the following thread where a similar issue has been reported earlier
  • Amit

    I did what was suggested in the earlier thread but it did not solve the


    the earlier version is not which I am using

    Unless I am missing something the error says portYIELD(); is undefinded

    could there have been a change in the FreeRTOS or could I be missing a file?


    dave hill

  • Hello Dave

    FreeRTOS version was changed in release.
  • Amit

    A little more information

    When I set this up I did the project import

    In looking at the original source there is a file in


    called portmacro.h that contains #define portYIELD()

    the define that I seem to be missing

    the imported project has no reference to portmacro.h

    So I am guessing somehow portmacro.h is not being imported and included



    dave hill