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TM4C123GH6PM: tiva c 123g launchpad UART0 broken?

Part Number: TM4C123GH6PM


i've recently come up with an issue on the ICDI/UART0 on the uC.

Examples like echo_uart /uartstdioprint calls addressing UART0 just don't create any output on the console(HTerm, putty, ccs).

Using the same program on a freshly out-of-the-box Tiva launchpad runs properly as of printing output to the console.

I'm developing with ccs v7 on win10.

Is this a hardware or some software fault?

Has anyone of you also experienced this issue?

Could this be a pc-side driver issue?

This problem is present on three different Launchpads.

Maybe you could point me in the right direction.

How could i debug this?

What am i doing wrong?

  • Hello Oliver,

    What are the settings on your terminal software? By default most set the baud rate to 9600, but for the TM4C examples you need to use 115200 bps as well as 8N1.

    The uart_echo project works fine for me on Win 10 using CCS 7.2 (and did for me on 7 in the past too), so I'd look into the UART terminal settings first and foremost.
  • Greetings Ralph,

    Surely your suggestion (check Terminal's Serial settings) proves valid - but for poster's claim:
    "Using the same program on a freshly out-of-the-box Tiva launchpad runs properly as of printing output to the console."

    What he missed here (I believe) - is "Failure to denote ANY "possible passage of time and/or change of settings" - at the Terminal End - which may have "broken the (previously working) link!"    The simple fact that something "Once worked" - provides No Guarantee that such will "Always Work!"     And - in fact - may have been altered.    Instead - an IMMEDIATE "A-B Test" should be implemented!    (firm/I have long noted such, "change of results" - when the discipline of proper "A-B Test" is bypassed...   And such is "not at all clear" - here and now...

    As always, "Devil lurks (very much) in such (incompletely conveyed) details...

  • Hello cb1, thank you Ralph,

    the uart_echo example (with all this graphic-things removed) runs properly on all the Tivas.

    i was using the same Terminal settings settings for both, the working and non-working Tiva.
    Data settings was data/parity/stop: 8/n/1. using the wrong Baudrate produces wrong data(as expected) but only on the working Tiva. The other ones remained silent.
    Direct A-B-difference is switching portNo. in Terminal SW and switching Launchpads.