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RM48L950: erasing flash sector 0 results in a hang in Fapi_BlockErase()

Part Number: RM48L950


I'm working on a bootloader that can update the application code as well as the bootloader image itself.  I started from the codebase.  As is well documented, to reprogram flash sector 0 the flashAPI section containing the F021 API, etc must be located to run from RAM.  I may have started from a old version of, because I found that 3 additional changes were needed to successfully erase and reprogram the bootloader:

1. In bl_flash.c, the call to Fapi_enableMainBankSectors(0xFFFE) must be replaced with an  argument of 0xFFFF to permit sector 0 erase.

2. in bl_link.cmd, section bl_flash.obj (.const) must be added into the flashAPI section.  This is because the flash_sector[] data table (constant data) is used by bl_flash.c.  The execution will hang in bl_flash.c on the following line unless the .const section is also located in RAM :

while(FAPI_GET_FSM_STATUS != Fapi_Status_Success);

3. bl_ymodem.c calls memcpy.  This means that memcpy must also be located in RAM.  I created my own version of memcpy in bl_ymodem to avoid moving some of the runtime library to RAM.

My question: I have this working now, but is there a more up-to-date version of the file that supports bootloader image reprogramming (that has been tested & works?)  I want to be sure I haven't missed anything.

