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CCS/TM4C1233E6PM: Certification TivaWare library

Part Number: TM4C1233E6PM

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


we use in our TM4C1233 Project the TivaWare libraries. Now we would like to certificate it with EN 50271/EN 61508. Is there anybody who has certificate the libraries? Or is there another way to get a certification by TUEV in Germany?

Best regards


  • TI has not had certification done for the TivaWare libraries.
  • Gerhard Beilstein said: there another way to get a certification by TUEV in Germany?

    Half year or so past - while consulting for a similar (ARM MCU, giant semi-firm) we 'bumped against'  this issue.     And - our client sought such certifications - from multiple countries - in Europe & Asia.

    It was discovered that - similar to 'Regulatory Agency Approval' - certain countries granted certification based upon the submission of qualifying reports - from firms 'specialized in' conducting such testing.

    This - as expected - required, 'Fees for Service'  and being resourceful - my group was able to find & enlist 'multiple, non-partner, similar user firms' - to share in (and benefit from) such (reduced) cost.     (very good deal, that!)

    You may be able to duplicate our efforts - I believe that the German Test Standards were among the most strict - thus (really) benefited from 'group share' of this 'test to certify' expense.     And - a 'sure & costly gotcha' - insure that 'All potential MCUs to be deployed are tested' - which prevents your (unwanted) repetition - of this (unwanted) exercise.     (you may even consider ONLY supplying a 'Cadillac device' - thus lessening the 'inventory' submitted for testing (avoiding the test-fees) required by lesser performing/costing devices...)     (law-school does - have its merits...)

  • Hallo,

    yes, I think it is a good idea. So I have to look for other user of this library in germany.

    Thanks and have a nice time


  • You may 'borrow' (one) of our often successful, 'implementation methods' as well.

    Your contact w/this  vendor's Sales offices (w/in Germany) may result in your (direct or indirect) acquisition of contact info (firms similar to yours) - some of whom (surely) 'share your requirement!'

    As the vendor has (apparently) 'passed' upon such regulatory provision - it is assumed that they will bring (some) motivation (which proves beneficial to this vendor, you & other users) to such request...

    Increased SALES (especially 'if & when' adequate in scale) proves (usually) a 'powerful' motivator.'      As (most) always - I've based such a (hopefully resourceful) approach upon, 'Strength in Numbers!'    

    A 'cost divided' ... qualifies as a  'COST REDUCED!'

    BTW - bit more than a week past - we attended (and 'snuck exhibited') @ 'Automatica' in 'München.'       Your fellows (surely) - know how to put on - 'quite' an impressive  Show...     (Robots indeed (especially those 'certified' -are 'taking over...taking over...taking over...')     {clearly 'this  vendor-robot' ... was (and remains)  uncertified...)