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Linux/EK-TM4C1294XL: Porting MODBUS TCP/IP on TIVA C with LWIP and MODBUS github stack

Part Number: EK-TM4C1294XL

Tool/software: Linux


We are trying to port a modbus tcp/ip application on the TIVA C. We have modified the enet_lwip example code by adding functions from the raw tcp echo code from the LWIP stack on github. We are therefore able to receive TCP/IP packets when we use a packet sender, and are able to echo it back. We need to now port it with the Modbus tcp/ip stack from github so as to configure the tiva c as a client (master). Could you please help us?


a) Should we use an OS such as Contiki, because as of now we are using the tiva-c repository available on github.

b) Since the modbus tcp/ip stack using files such as arpainet and netinet which are for linux, how do we change this for the tiva c board.


Some aforementioned github stacks and repositories:

  • Hello Vinay,

    Unfortunately this is a difficult request for us to help with. We don't have any MODBUS support for TM4C as part of TivaWare, and we don't have any Linux experience either so I do not know of how to guide you in regards to implementing linux files on a TM4C MCU.

    Perhaps you might find the posts Charles found about MODBUS code for TM4C to be useful though:

    I feel those may end up giving you a better starting point than trying to port Linux files, but I am not sure how they related to MODBUS TCP/IP.

    As far as OS, that's up to you really, I don't know if one would be required. The only OS we can heavily support is TI-RTOS though, other OS like FreeRTOS and Contiki are areas we also do not have experience with.

  • Hello Vinay,

    You rejected my offered reply but have given me no feedback at all about what else can be done. I know the answer isn't ideal for you but I can't offer any other ideas if you don't give me any feedback about what is and isn't useful.