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Tool/software: Linux
We are trying to port a modbus tcp/ip application on the TIVA C. We have modified the enet_lwip example code by adding functions from the raw tcp echo code from the LWIP stack on github. We are therefore able to receive TCP/IP packets when we use a packet sender, and are able to echo it back. We need to now port it with the Modbus tcp/ip stack from github so as to configure the tiva c as a client (master). Could you please help us?
a) Should we use an OS such as Contiki, because as of now we are using the tiva-c repository available on github.
b) Since the modbus tcp/ip stack using files such as arpainet and netinet which are for linux, how do we change this for the tiva c board.
Hello Vinay,
Unfortunately this is a difficult request for us to help with. We don't have any MODBUS support for TM4C as part of TivaWare, and we don't have any Linux experience either so I do not know of how to guide you in regards to implementing linux files on a TM4C MCU.
Perhaps you might find the posts Charles found about MODBUS code for TM4C to be useful though:
I feel those may end up giving you a better starting point than trying to port Linux files, but I am not sure how they related to MODBUS TCP/IP.
As far as OS, that's up to you really, I don't know if one would be required. The only OS we can heavily support is TI-RTOS though, other OS like FreeRTOS and Contiki are areas we also do not have experience with.
Hello Vinay,
You rejected my offered reply but have given me no feedback at all about what else can be done. I know the answer isn't ideal for you but I can't offer any other ideas if you don't give me any feedback about what is and isn't useful.