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I want to use the functionality of DMA-Controller to transfer data from the UART-FIFO to another memory location.
The Problem is the channel assigment of the DMA-Controller to the peripherals.
I want to use the UART2 and UART4 peripheral the same time, because it is given on a board which can't be modified.
But there is no possibility beside the re-initialization of the DMA-Controller with another channel-assignment encoding.
So I am here to be inspired how to use UART2 and UART4 in DMA-Mode simultanously.
I could be also an idea like, say, to link or remap the UART4-FIFO to another peripheral, which can be used in FIFO-Mode together with the UART2 peripheral in the same channel assignent encoding.
with regards
Ali Naseri, Germany
Did you have a chance to run the TivaWare uDMA example? You need to use the uDMAChannelAssign() to assign UART3 and UART4 to the channels. For example you will use uDMAChannelAssign(UDMA_CH0_UART2RX) and uDMAChannelAssign(UDMA_CH18_UART4RX) to assign UART2RX to channel 0 and UART4RX to channel 18. Please refer to the datasheet to find out what peripherals are available on what channels.