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TMDXRM57LHDK: Code Execution on Development Board stuck "waiting for halt"

Part Number: TMDXRM57LHDK


I am attempting to run a test case on the Hercules RM57L843 board through VectorCAST, but the execution seems to crash / hang.  I am using a Blackhawk XDS560v2 System Trace Emulator as an external debugger.  The code has been compiled using the arm-none-eabi-gcc compiler, and compiles successfully. When adding --verbose to the execution command, the stdout from the execution of the test case ends with the following:

CortexR5: GEL Output: 	Memory Map Setup for Flash @ Address 0x0 due to System Reset

Loaded FPGA Image: /opt/ti/ccsv8/ccs_base/emulation/drivers/../../common/uscif/./dtc_top.jbc
CortexR5: GEL Output: 	Memory Map Setup for Flash @ Address 0x0 due to System Reset

waitUntil: RETURN
load: Program load successful
getBoolean: ENTRY ID: AutoRunToLabelOnRestart
getBoolean: RETURN true
waitForHaltIfPropertySet: Waiting for halt
waitUntil: ENTRY timeout: infinite

The Red ERR LED is not lit on the development board, and the S1, S2, S3, and 5V LEDs on the Blackhawk XDS560v2 are lit.

I'm not sure if the linker script is not correct, or if it is some other issue. The stdout --verbose does indicate that the program load was successful (see above).

Has anyone experienced a similar issue before? 

