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An interesting concept of how to make TM4C1294 MCU hypothesize a new big bang theory...
Might Tivaware have oversold tickets to the last show only to beacon some kind of new beginning? Is the Keil CMSIS library a bit scary at first glance? Perhaps but the web site user interface is very informative and very easy to navigate. Might we all learn from past mistakes and give the little M4 Indian a fresh make over, perhaps a faster CPU clock Arm M7 core to boot it up in 2020?
Hello Gl,
As I replied we don't have up to date CMSIS support TM4C and no current plans to add that as it has not come up very much as a need:
Also the method Bruno provided in 2017 seems to have helped other customers before, not sure how up-to-date it is.
For TM4C we released a new TivaWare less than 2 weeks ago, so I am not sure about any 'last show' for it, we are committed to making sure TM4C is strongly supported based on the areas of feedback we receive from customers.
Hello all,
Judging from all the forum rejections of posters using CMSIS in various projects, made it sound like some kind of advanced programming language. Had no idea C=Cortex, M=Microcontroller, S=Software, I=Interface, S=Standard, what a mouth full. CMSIS was not being discussed as a standard and more like an alien invasion anytime the acronym was mentioned.
Well the DSP package was built with 0 errors via CCS 9.1 but used the updated arm_math.h versus the older TI article (PDF) file. Had to add few new include paths shown below for it to build error free. The new CCS Empty project must be a Static Library "wizard drop down box". After build succeeds the DSP library can be referenced into your other project builds when needed. I put the CMSIS library project include paths and files under CCS compiler shown below. Don't get to excited as the Git hub CMSIS zip file omitted PI vector files we needed to test but has some nice band/low pass filters to check out.
C:/ti/ccs910/ccs/tools/compiler/CMSIS_5-5.7.0/CMSIS/Core/Include C:/ti/ccs910/ccs/tools/compiler/CMSIS_5-5.7.0/CMSIS/DSP/PrivateInclude C:/ti/ccs910/ccs/tools/compiler/CMSIS_5-5.7.0/CMSIS/DSP/Include