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I am getting the error in the picture below when I loading a program on FLASH. I could not resolve the this error. What do you think could be the cause of this error?
I am using the sample application in C2000Ware_3_04_00_00. I did not make any important changes in this example. I just want to loading the program into FLASH instead of RAM.
Example app I use: C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_3_04_00_00\device_support\f2837xd\examples\dual\cpu01_to_cpu02_ipcdrivers
Best regards.
1) Were you able to load it fine before you made the changes?
2) Please compare the changes you made with that of the original linker cmd file and let me know the changes.
3) Enable verbose mode available at the bottom of the on-chip CCS flash plugin (CCS debug view -> Tools -> On-chip flash) and let me know the console output.
Thanks and regards,
Hi, Vamsi:
1) Were you able to load it fine before you made the changes?
1) I was able to loading the program into RAM properly before and after I made the changes.
2) Please compare the changes you made with that of the original linker cmd file and let me know the changes.
2) I did not make any changes to the linker files.
3) Enable verbose mode available at the bottom of the on-chip CCS flash plugin (CCS debug view -> Tools -> On-chip flash) and let me know the console output.
3) Program debug console output image is below.
Thank you.
Please check the address range 0x82018 - 0x8201F in memory window and let me know what you see there (maybe you can post the snapshot).
What is the CCS version used? Hope you are using the latest one.
Generating debug server logs might help for further debug. You can generate the logs via "CCS Help menu -> CCS Support -> Select Debug Server Log -> Click on Properties -> Select Enable Debug Server Logging + Choose a log file location -> Click Ok". Please generate and share them.
Thanks and regards,
Hi, Vamsi:
I checked the address range 0x82018 - 0x8201F in the memory window. The memory range is as follows:
I am using CCS version
I have created the debug server logs.
Please install latest CCS version and see if that helps.
As mentioned in below FAQ, we recommend CCSv8.3.1 for 32-bit Windows systems and CCSv9.x or higher for 64-bit Windows systems. Latest CCS version is 10.x. Please try with that.
Let me know if the latest CCS does not help to fix the issue.
Our tools team will review the server logs.
Thanks and regards,
Hi, Vamsi:
I installed CCS v9.3.0.00012 on my computer. My problem is solved. Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Good days.