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Could you please send me the design files for TMDSECATCNCD379D ? Altium Designer files especially. 

Thank you.

  • Hi,

    I do not know if we have design files for this board, I will have to check. I also want to warn you that we do not have the capability to provide good design support for EtherCAT for the F2837X devices. 

    Also, we are trying to understand why some customers wish to use EtherCAT with the F2837X device instead of F2838X or F28P65X. Could you please tell me more about why you want to use F2837X for etherCAT instead of one of these newer devices? If you are more comfortable sharing this information offline, please send me a private message (I have just sent you a friend request). We would greatly appreciate this information, since it will impact our decision on how we will support F2837X etherCAT boards going forward.

    Do you have an existing design with F2837X etherCAT?

    Best Regards,

    Ben Collier

  • Hi Benjamin

    We already have design with F28379D so we would like to implament the ethercat. We also have F28388D prototypes but it is not ready yet. 


  • Hi,

    Ok, I understand. I am glad to hear that you are working on a F28388D prototype if you will be using EtherCAT.

    The design files for TMDSECATCNCD379D are included in controlSUITE, inside of the development_kits folder.

    Best Regards,

    Ben Collier