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C2000WARE-DIGITALPOWER-SDK: Genereic template

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE, SYSCONFIG

Hi Team,

Can you help below?

The Solution Adapter Tool is mainly framed to the power topologies given by different TIDA's where is possible to change some power stage settings and the target DSP. Is it possible just to use some sort of "main.c" generic template that calls some code blocks already included in C2000Ware libraries like ABC_DQ0, SPLL, etc., in order to adapt/repurpose the solutions given by the TIDA's similar to ALTAIR's Embed. 

It could be easy to adapt that to some PIL block (which generally contains the *.out file) at PSIM and simulate the circuit. Certainly use the TI codes directly inside PSIM.

Does the Solution Adapter IDE Tool is able to do this sort of solution (adding blocks and connecting them accordingly) or there is another kind of tool available?

Looking forward to your response.



  • Hi Marvin,

    Thanks for raising these questions and suggestions.

    At this time, the solution adapter tool has been custom fit for each specific reference design. We are looking at plans to enhance the GUI such that it is easier to customize an existing application as well as offering a generic template that can leverage C2000Ware and Digital Power Libraries.

    In the meantime, I will suggest using the nonpowerSUITE version of the projects to customize it for your needs. Note that there is no native SysConfig support but any desired libraries can be added and customizations can be made in the nonpowerSUITE version of the projects.

    Also, please not that we don't have any plans, at this time, to offer support simulation with the current tool.

