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TMS320F28335: eclipsec command line for import, clean, build, and debug?

Part Number: TMS320F28335
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CCSTUDIO


I've been trying to follow the instructions on

Some of the commands seem to be out of date? Such as projectBuild vs buildProject, etcetera. 

When I try any of the commands I've worked on, I keep getting the "Usage help" output, and I have not been able to figure out the correct commands.

(I am using powershell shell to debug CCS8 commands, with the eventuall hope of writing a poweshell script)

Can you please help me correct the following? None are working as written.

Import Project

&C:\ti\ccsv8\eclipse\eclipsec --noSplash -data "C:\Users\Neal_OHara\workspace_v8_auto\" -application com.ti.ccstudio.apps.importProject -ccs.location C:\svn\coreassets\software\bsp\mcu_drivers\branches\45920_drv_i2c_cleanup\ccs\TMS320F28335

Clean Project

&C:\ti\ccsv8\eclipse\eclipsec --noSplash -data "C:\Users\Neal_OHara\workspace_v8_auto\" -application com.ti.ccstudio.apps.buildProject  -ccs.projects "TMS320F28335_McuDriversUnitTest" -ccs.clean

Build Project
C:\ti\ccsv8\eclipse\eclipsec -noSplash -data "C:\Users\Neal_OHara\workspace_v8_auto\" -application com.ti.ccstudio.apps.projectBuild -ccs.workspace -ccs.buildType full -ccs.configuration "TMS320F28335_McuDriversUnitTest"

Debug Project

Are there any commands for programming/loading the software to a target from a script? Are there any triggers we can set to indicate a once and done program is finished? This may be a separate ticket.