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C2000WARE-DIGITALPOWER-SDK: Full Bridge LLC Requirement

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDM-02013

Hi Team, Greetings!

We are working on developing an EV Charger. Do you have any application note or reference design for the full H-bridge LLC with the C2000 microcontrollers.

Our Requirement is:

1    Input voltage: 800V - 1000 V

2    Input current: 15A  - 20A

3    Switching Frequency (Fsw: 75KHZ - 200 KHZ)

4    Output voltage: 500V - 1000V

5    Output Current: 100A

Please recommend a reference design from TI and microcontroller suitable for FB-LLC.

Thank you in advance!



  • Take a look at TIDM-02013. It shows off a CLLLC, but fundamentally works on the same principle. This is a 400v, 7kW design but the control code would be the same. Its switching frequency is 250 to 800kHz, but that can be easily modified in the code base. You will need to design a power stage which meets your specifications,  but the control code should largely be the same. 

    If you really want an LLC I can see what offerings we have, but they will likely be industrial focused and won't be 800v.

    I would probably recommend f28003x for operation of this converter.



  • Hi Cody,

    Thanks for the reply.

    We will check it once and let you know updates.

