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TMS320F280045: TMS280045

Part Number: TMS320F280045


I'm using the XDS110 DEBUG prob. on our card which contains the 280045.

the Debugger works fin. but when I try to correct the code and run a debug session, I receive the following ERROR. 

Error connecting to the target:
(Error -2131 @ 0x0)
Unable to access device register. Reset the device, and retry the operation. If error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK).
(Emulation package

I have to unplug my application from the power supply and start the debugger session and only then it works.



  • Hi,

    Do you have low power mode enable in your application ? Also can you probe the XRSn pin and see if it's driven low for some reason ?


    Vivek Singh

  • Hi,

    no I don't use the low power mode.

    I checked the RSN, its 3.3V.

    it is something that has to do with the debugger session. the debugger always works when u turn the power off and back on.


  • Ok, on below note -

    the Debugger works fin. but when I try to correct the code and run a debug session, I receive the following ERROR. 

    What correction you are doing in the code which cause this issue ? 

    Also are you using cJTAG or normal JTAG (4 pin) ?

    Vivek Singh

  • Hi.

    sorry, I didn't explain it well.

    even if I'm not making any changes in the code, just want to reload and re-run the debugger, it fails until I turn the power off and on again.

    I'm using 2 wire connection TMS/TCK . 

  • So once you turn the power off and on again, it works fine with without failure or every time it fails, you need to turn the power off and on again for it to work but will fail again. Could it be that when application running and there is some activity on IOs, it's causing noise on JTAG pin hence gets disconnected ? Have you seen this issue on multiple boards ? 


    Vivek Singh

  • Hi.

    1) it is happening with all boards that i tested.

    2) if while running there was an interaction with the JTAG pins, it would happen also when i'm running with the debugger, which runs OK./ beside, i tried it while the JTAG connector to the application was not connected. same result.

    I'm starting to think maybe there is something wrong with my Linker/cmd file...


  • Ok, so when you update something in code and launch a debug session, it does not work. But after that if you power cycle the board then same code (updated one) start working. Is that correct ? 

  • Hi.

    Yes. this is correct.

    After a few days of testing and comparing my project to the "blink led" example that was running fine on my hardware I found the problem.

    I needed to include the f28004x_codestartbranch.asm into my project.

    Apparently what was missing in my project was the jump instruction at first address after BOOT_ROM.

    Thank you for your time. 
