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Hello, the product C2000-GANG has an error in the process of burning using the latest version of the burning software, which cannot be burned, the following is the details of the error page, please help to see what the cause is, thank youC2000-GangUsage problem.pptx
Hi yingjiao LI,
We are reviewing this with GANG - will get back to you in a day.
Thanks and regards,
I can se that on some slots the target can be programmed, and for other - not. Can you email me picture of your bench? I would like to see wiring between C2000-GANG and your targets.
Gregory Czajkowski
Elprotronic Inc.
Hi yingjiao LI,
What is the power source for the target board? If it is from the programmer, then I expect that the programmer is overloaded. The max current provided from the programmer is 150mA. I assume that the whole board is consuming more. Can you try an external power supply and see if that helps?
On the scope, you can also check Vcc from the programmer during programming and see whether it is always stable at 3.3V or not.
Thanks and regards,
Our power supply is provided through the adapter provided with the burner. When the burning fails, the voltage measured on the DSP side is 3.1V. We have a 5V to 3.3V power chip on the adapter board for external power supply. Later, I removed this adapter board and now all 8 ports can be burned successfully. However, when two channels are burning at the same time, we encounter the following problem: not every time the burning is successful, there are always cases of burning failure, The following is my connection and the prompt for burning failure. Please help check the reason
3.3V voltage waveform upon successful programming
Programming success indication
Hi yingjiao LI,
Thank you for the update.
We will review and get back to you this week.
Thanks and regards,
Can we connect via Team then I can see the details? Email me your time suggestion then I will send you Team invitation.
Gregory Czajkowski
Hi yingjiao LI,
You can align with Greg directly via his email contact provided by him in this thread.
Thanks and regards,
Hi, Send me your email address to my email below, then I will send you Team invitation.
Gregory Czajkowski
Hi yingjiao LI,
I am closing this post since Elprotronic is looped on this offline.
Thanks and regards,