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TMS320F28384D: Debugging issue in Flash memory in JTAG daisy chain configuration

Part Number: TMS320F28384D
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG


I have two TMS320F28384D in JTAG daisy chain configuration in a custom board:

I'm using CCS and CWARE with a XDS200 debug probe.

Till yesterday, I was able to program and debug both of them, in RAM or FLASH with no issue. 

Now, I can debug in RAM in both MCUs and in all cores, but I cannot in Flash in the second MCU (considering the chain, it is called MCU1). After loading the program in Flash memory for CPU1 (the same is for CPU2) of the second MCU, I always get the error:

"C28xx_CPU1_0: Trouble Setting Breakpoint with the Action "Finish Auto Run" at 0x82985: (Error -1066 @ 0x82985) Unable to set/clear requested breakpoint. Verify that the breakpoint address is in valid memory. (Emulation package"

And the program is not correctly loaded.

So, if I disable the "On a program load or restart" option in "Auto Run and Launch Options" , I don't get the error and the program can be launched and it runs correctly (I say correctly because I'm using the examples "led_ex1_c28x_dual_blinky_cpu1"  and "led_ex1_c28x_dual_blinky_cpu2" and I can see the blinking, but for any breakpoint I try to add, I get the error:

"C28xx_CPU1_0: Trouble Setting Breakpoint with the Action "Remain Halted" at 0x829af: (Error -1066 @ 0x829AF) Unable to set/clear requested breakpoint. Verify that the breakpoint address is in valid memory. (Emulation package "

and it stops, but I cannot debug code, only in Disassembly window.

Moreover, now I get this symbol on Debug window for CPU1 of the second MCU:

What does it mean?

I already tried some the suggestion about cleaning the workspace and the target configuration file, but even changing the workspace it does not work.

Thanks and regards,


  • Hi Fabio,

    I haven't seen that symbol before. What version of CCS are you using? Also, are you able to erase the flash for the second MCU using the on-chip flash tool? Can you view the contents of the flash on the second MCU in the memory browser after you connect? 

    Best Regards,

    Ben Collier

  • Hi Benjamin,

    thanks for the feedback

    I haven't seen that symbol before.

    but this is not encouraging Slight smile, by the way I'm using CCS and CWARE with a XDS200 debug probe.

    And Yes, I'm able to erase the flash for second MCU (and also load and run the the program without "On a program load or restart" option), and I'm able to see the memory Registers in Memory Browser:

    With new trials, I can add that, if I go step by step since the very beginning, I checked I got a similar 1066 error in second MCU at 

    * IF _system_pre_init is 0, bypass C/C++ autoinitialization *
    LCR #__system_pre_init

    Moreover, I don't have anymore the strange symbol in CPU1 of the second MCU.

    I want to add this: I was flashing a code with a similar linker command file:

       /* BEGIN is used for the "boot to Flash" bootloader mode   */
       BEGIN            : origin = 0x080000, length = 0x000002
       BOOT_RSVD        : origin = 0x000002, length = 0x0001AF     /* Part of M0, BOOT rom will use this for stack */
       RAMM0            : origin = 0x0001B1, length = 0x00024F
       RAMM1            : origin = 0x000400, length = 0x0003F8     /* on-chip RAM block M1 */
    //   RAMM1_RSVD       : origin = 0x0007F8, length = 0x000008     /* Reserve and do not use for code as per the errata advisory "Memory: Prefetching Beyond Valid Memory" */
       RAMD0            : origin = 0x00C000, length = 0x000800
       RAMD1            : origin = 0x00C800, length = 0x000800
       RAMLS0           : origin = 0x008000, length = 0x000800
       RAMLS1           : origin = 0x008800, length = 0x000800
       RAMLS2           : origin = 0x009000, length = 0x000800
       RAMLS3           : origin = 0x009800, length = 0x000800
       RAMLS4           : origin = 0x00A000, length = 0x000800
       RAMLS5           : origin = 0x00A800, length = 0x000800
       RAMLS6           : origin = 0x00B000, length = 0x000800
       RAMLS7           : origin = 0x00B800, length = 0x000800
       RAMGS0           : origin = 0x00D000, length = 0x001000
       RAMGS1           : origin = 0x00E000, length = 0x001000
       RAMGS2           : origin = 0x00F000, length = 0x001000
       RAMGS3           : origin = 0x010000, length = 0x001000
       RAMGS4           : origin = 0x011000, length = 0x001000
       RAMGS5           : origin = 0x012000, length = 0x001000
       RAMGS6           : origin = 0x013000, length = 0x001000
       RAMGS7           : origin = 0x014000, length = 0x001000
       RAMGS8           : origin = 0x015000, length = 0x001000
       RAMGS9           : origin = 0x016000, length = 0x001000
       RAMGS10          : origin = 0x017000, length = 0x001000
       RAMGS11          : origin = 0x018000, length = 0x001000
       RAMGS12          : origin = 0x019000, length = 0x001000
       RAMGS13          : origin = 0x01A000, length = 0x001000
       RAMGS14          : origin = 0x01B000, length = 0x001000
       RAMGS15          : origin = 0x01C000, length = 0x000FF8
    //   RAMGS15_RSVD     : origin = 0x01CFF8, length = 0x000008     /* Reserve and do not use for code as per the errata advisory "Memory: Prefetching Beyond Valid Memory" */
       /* Flash sectors */
       FLASH0           : origin = 0x080002, length = 0x001FFE  /* on-chip Flash */
       FLASH1           : origin = 0x082000, length = 0x002000  /* on-chip Flash */
       FLASH2           : origin = 0x084000, length = 0x002000  /* on-chip Flash */
       FLASH3           : origin = 0x086000, length = 0x002000  /* on-chip Flash */
       FLASH4           : origin = 0x088000, length = 0x008000  /* on-chip Flash */
       FLASH5           : origin = 0x090000, length = 0x008000  /* on-chip Flash */
       FLASH6           : origin = 0x098000, length = 0x008000  /* on-chip Flash */
       FLASH7           : origin = 0x0A0000, length = 0x008000  /* on-chip Flash */
       FLASH8           : origin = 0x0A8000, length = 0x008000  /* on-chip Flash */
       FLASH9           : origin = 0x0B0000, length = 0x008000  /* on-chip Flash */
       FLASH10          : origin = 0x0B8000, length = 0x002000  /* on-chip Flash */
       FLASH11          : origin = 0x0BA000, length = 0x002000  /* on-chip Flash */
       FLASH12          : origin = 0x0BC000, length = 0x002000  /* on-chip Flash */
       FLASH13          : origin = 0x0BE000, length = 0x001FF0  /* on-chip Flash */
    //   FLASH13_RSVD     : origin = 0x0BFFF0, length = 0x000010  /* Reserve and do not use for code as per the errata advisory "Memory: Prefetching Beyond Valid Memory" */
       CPU1TOCPU2RAM   : origin = 0x03A000, length = 0x000800
       CPU2TOCPU1RAM   : origin = 0x03B000, length = 0x000800
       CPUTOCMRAM      : origin = 0x039000, length = 0x000800
       CMTOCPURAM      : origin = 0x038000, length = 0x000800
       CANA_MSG_RAM     : origin = 0x049000, length = 0x000800
       CANB_MSG_RAM     : origin = 0x04B000, length = 0x000800
       RESET            : origin = 0x3FFFC0, length = 0x000002
       CLA1_MSGRAMLOW   : origin = 0x001480,   length = 0x000080
       CLA1_MSGRAMHIGH  : origin = 0x001500,   length = 0x000080
       CLA1_DMA_MSGRAM  : origin = 0x001680,   length = 0x000080
       DMA_CLA1_MSGRAM  : origin = 0x001700,   length = 0x000080
       codestart           : > BEGIN, ALIGN(8)
       .text               : >> FLASH0 | FLASH1 | FLASH2 | FLASH3, ALIGN(8)
       .cinit              : > FLASH0 | FLASH1 | FLASH2 | FLASH3, ALIGN(8)
       .switch             : > FLASH1, ALIGN(8)
       .reset              : > RESET, TYPE = DSECT /* not used, */
       .stack              : > RAMM0 | RAMM1
    #if defined(__TI_EABI__)
       .init_array      : > FLASH1, ALIGN(8)
       .bss             : > RAMLS3
       .bss:output      : > RAMLS3
       .data            : > RAMLS4
       .sysmem          : > RAMLS4
       /* Initalized sections go in Flash */
       .const           : > FLASH5, ALIGN(8)
       .pinit           : > FLASH1, ALIGN(8)
       .ebss            : > RAMLS3
       .esysmem         : > RAMLS4
       /* Initalized sections go in Flash */
       .econst          : >> FLASH4 | FLASH5, ALIGN(8)
       dclfuncs : > FLASH1, ALIGN(8)
        /* CLA specific sections */
    #if defined(__TI_EABI__)
       Cla1Prog         :   LOAD = FLASH4,
                            RUN = RAMLS5,
       Cla1Prog         :   LOAD = FLASH4,
                            RUN = RAMLS5,
       CLADataLS0       : > RAMLS0
       CLADataLS1       : > RAMLS1
       Cla1ToCpuMsgRAM  : > CLA1_MSGRAMLOW, type=NOINIT
       CpuToCla1MsgRAM  : > CLA1_MSGRAMHIGH, type=NOINIT
       Cla1ToDmaMsgRAM  : > CLA1_DMA_MSGRAM, type=NOINIT
       DmaToCla1MsgRAM  : > DMA_CLA1_MSGRAM, type=NOINIT
       Cla1DataRam      : >> RAMLS0 | RAMLS1
       /* CLA C compiler sections */
       // Must be allocated to memory the CLA has write access to
       CLAscratch       :
                         { *.obj(CLAscratch)
                         . += CLA_SCRATCHPAD_SIZE;
                         *.obj(CLAscratch_end) } >  RAMLS1
       .scratchpad      : > RAMLS1
       .bss_cla         : > RAMLS1
       cla_shared       : > RAMLS1
    #if defined(__TI_EABI__)
       .const_cla       :   LOAD = FLASH2,
                            RUN = RAMLS1,
       .const_cla       :   LOAD = FLASH2,
                            RUN = RAMLS1,
       #if defined(__TI_EABI__)
           .TI.ramfunc : {} LOAD = FLASH3,
                            RUN = RAMD0,
           .TI.ramfunc : {} LOAD = FLASH3,
                            RUN = RAMD0,
    // End of file.

    I said similar, because I modified it for my trials many times, in order fix my issue... and I don't have the first one.

    There is something I can try more?



  • Fabio,

    Do you remember what you were doing with the devices before you had this issue? Were you just using the blinky LED examples? 

    Also, I'm curious what happens when you reset each CPU core with CCS, and then use the restart button. Do you get an error? 

    Best Regards,

    Ben Collier

  • Hi Benjamin,

    I was passing from RAM debug to Flash debug of a custom code, using the linker command file or a similar one of the previous post.

    Following your indications:

    Also, I'm curious what happens when you reset each CPU core with CCS, and then use the restart button. Do you get an error? 

    It happens that MCU2 keeps resetting continuously:

    and if I try to run CPU2 of MCU2, I get this:

    Any idea?



  • Hi Fabio,

    Do you only have one of these custom boards? Have you tried changing your Linker CMD file to load the program into a different flash bank? 

    Could you also check the data at memory location 0x78020 - 0x78026 in your memory browser? 

    Best Regards,

    Ben Collier

  • Hi Ben,

    I have only one prototype of the custom board, but I tried that code in the Flash of a controlCARD with no issue. I also changed the Linker CMD file several times, now, following your suggestion I moved all the code on FLASH sectors > 8, but same issues.

    This is the location you asked for in memory browser for CPU1:

    this in CPU2:

    Thanks again,


  • Fabio,

    I'll need to discuss with my coworkers about what could be causing your issue. 

    Best Regards,

    Ben collier

  • Hi Ben,

    Thanks a lot, I will continue debugging in RAM, even though my code is getting larger and I always need to remap it and sometimes I have strange memory behaviour... 

    Thanks again and best regards,


  • Hi Ben,

    any possible update from your side or anything elese could help me restore the normal behaviour of the microcontroller?

    Thanks and best regards,


  • Fabio,

    Our suspicion is that you are running out of HW breakpoints, since you can only use HW breakpoints in flash, while you can use software breakpoints in RAM. 

    Best Regards,

    Ben Collier

  • Till yesterday, I was able to program and debug both of them, in RAM or FLASH with no issue. 

    Did anything chance between yesterday and today regarding tools versions, usage, etc? Is your environment and use case exactly the same?

  • Hi Ben, 

    I think don't understand: can you better explain what does it mean this: 

    you are running out of HW breakpoints

    Thanks and best regards,


  • Hi Ki,

    I was passing from RAM debug to Flash debug of a custom code for 2 cores in MCU2 (CPU1 and CM) and 2 cores in MCU1 (CPU1 and CPU2), that used also CLA1CPU1 for some calcs: after the issue, in my trials, I deleted the CLA code and configuration in SysConfig to simplify the project, but it did not helped. 

    I can add that, in these days, also CM of MCU2 now is giving the same issue and I am forced to disable "On a program load or restart" option also for it. I don't know if it is something linked to my workspace, but I also changed it for some test and I did not see any improvement.

    Thanks a lot and regards,


  • I think don't understand: can you better explain what does it mean this: 

    you are running out of HW breakpoints

    Thanks and best regards,

    Please see this section of the CCS User's Guide:


    A Hardware breakpoint is implemented internally by the target hardware. The method used to do this is heavily dependent on the device or core, but typically the debugger writes the address to a register on the device and sets a flag to enable breakpoints. These registers are not exposed to the IDE.

    A hardware breakpoint can be set in any memory type (RAM, Flash or ROM), but it is limited by the number of registers on the device. This is mandatory for the types of console I/O devices.

    As opposed to software breakpoints (which can be used for code in RAM), there are only a finite number of hardware breakpoints. 

    Also see my post below:

  • Hi Ki,

    thanks a lot for the clarification, but the fact is I don't have any breakpoint set: how can be something like this if I deleted all the breakpoints? Something remained in HW registers? If so, how can I restore the original behaviour?

    Thanks and best regards,


  • When you reproduce the issue, can you use the DEBUG_DumpBreakpoints GEL call in the scripting console and copy and paste the output to a text file and post it to this thread?

    See the below post for more details on this: