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TMS320F28377D: Replicate Secure Boot

Part Number: TMS320F28377D
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE

Hi dear all,

We are looking into bringing secure boot to board with TMS320F28377D.

The chip does not have hardware accelerated secure boot as part of its boot ROM.

We want to replicate secure boot in software.


I am planning to use C2000 Hex utility to create "Golden CMAC Tag" .

On the target DSP side, we have to calculate CMAC tag. 

For TMS320F2838x, There is a library (F2838xCPU1_SecureZoneCode_Symbols_fpu32.lib) that have a function (CPU1BROM_calculateCMAC(...)) to calculate CMAC for given region.

I want to adapt this function to the TMS320F28377D. But I could not find source code of CPU1BROM_calculateCMAC(...) function.

Could you help me on this issue?



  • Hello,

    The expert is on leave. Please expect a reply by 29th February.

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Could you help me on this issue?



  • Hi all,

    I could not find source code of CPU1BROM_calculateCMAC(...).

    But I managed to calculate CMAC.

    There is a library at the "C2000Ware/libraries/security/crypto/c28/aes" folder. 

    "AES_performCMAC()" function calculate CMAC successfully. 


    I think; using DCSM and "AES_performCMAC()" function are enough for replicate secure boot on TMS320F28377D.
    However, it would be useful to see the source code of the CPU1BROM_calculateCMAC(...) function.


    Update :
    "AES_performCMAC()" function takes 3.6second on TMS320F28377D for calculating CMAC. 
    "CPU1BROM_calculateCMAC(...)" function takes 0.6second on TMS320F2838x for calculating CMAC.