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SM320F28335-EP: ePWM channel crosstalk.....

Part Number: SM320F28335-EP

I am using epwm 1,2,3 for a motor control bridge, 4 is for a test signal that i can configure for a number of feedback signals but is primarily to indicate motor speed, 5 is a clock for a board level device and 6 is for ADC conversions.  My problem is that when i include pwm 4 into the build my motor currents have an intermittent spike that is not part of the sinusoidal currents that i expect to see but if i exclude pwm 4 they look correct.  It might be periodic it is hard to tell on the scope.  I could look at the motor pwm signals to try and see what is going on but they are not readily available and would need to bring them out.  I understand the daisy chain idea but it doesnt seem like that would be an issue.  See what you think and thanks!

My question is - is there something that i might be doing with pwm 4 that can affect 1,2,3 ??