TMS320F280025: Time difference of using different ePWM OST methods

Part Number: TMS320F280025

I want to know the time of different ePWM OST methods

1)GPIOinput X-BAR to TZ directly;


How long does it take to shut off ePWM channles usig the 2 methods above.

I can find some data in the datasheet of 280025, sec 7.13.1 Enhanced Pulse Width Modulator. It says td(TZ-PWM) <25ns.

But I can't find ePWM X-BAR and ePWM DC time parameters.

  • Hi Bo XU,

    We don't have exact time parameters for the XBARs since each input path to the XBAR muxes has a different propagation delay. The Input XBAR -> TZ trip is more commonly used so we've documented the max value of 25 ns as you've listed here. What do you need the exact timing difference for?

    Thank you,


  • 280025 has 3 direct TZs. Maybe more than 3 IOs we need to config in order to shut off Mosfet gate driver, so I need to  config through the path Input XBAR-ePWM XBAR-ePWM DC-ePWM TZ. I want to know the time compared with the commmonly used direct TZ functions.

  • Hi Bo,

    Unfortunately we have no specified timings for this. The timing difference will be minimal, but I would suggest testing the different trip methods on a basic EPWM example to observe the difference and determine if it meets your requirements.

    Thank you,
