TMS320F28P650DH: Require software interrupt for free rtos

Part Number: TMS320F28P650DH


Hi Expert,

My customer used to use BIOS as below, in BIOS, there is able to use SWI_POST function to change hardware interrupt to software interrupt, which will run after hardware interrupt like SCI interrupt,

when the code run in SWI_POST, the priority of this software interrupt can be set to lower than other software interrupt, so the code run in SWI_POST is able to be interrupted nest by other hardware interrupt like ADC interrupt, or be interrupted nest by other higher level software interrupt. 

Now BIOS is not support on F28P65x, they have to use freeRTOS, they are asking how to set software interrupt in FreeRTOS like SWI_POST function in BIOS? can you suggest a guideline for this function? thanks.

  • Hi,

    There is no separate software interrupt part of FreeRTOS. The standard method to achieve this functionality would be to use a synchronization element, like a semaphore. The SCI ISR will release this semaphore and yield, which will prompt a FreeRTOS task waiting on the semaphore to resume execution. The task itself can be assigned an appropriate priority.

