TMS320F280049: external oscillator stop working in high temperature test

Part Number: TMS320F280049



        We met a weird problem when we doing high temperature test for our battery charge product. The system runned for about half an hour and then the CAN singal get lost,and never recover after power off anf power on the chip.  After checking the board, we found the external oscillator stop working,X1 pin keeps low after 3.3V is provided,and the XRS pin fall to low every 16.8ms and than pull up again. 

        We also check the power supply,both VDDIO、VDDA and VDD seems normal and no disturb exist.  The oscillator is not shorted to GND either.

        We replace the chip with another one ,and the system get back to normal.  We have used this design for our product in a long time, and this is the first time we met a problem like this. Is there any possible reason for the fallure?  

        look forward to some clue or similar experience,Thank everyone!