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How do I create a new project from Motorware?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MOTORWARE

hi Chris:

I want build my new project about Motorware versitionn 11. but failled .

First I created a empty file, then use ccs5.5 build a new project with a new main.c , I copy content of  lab2b.c  to

this new main.c  ,then add other C file and Header file . ....

I copy all files in sw file to my new project, then changed the include path to "sw/modules" and other "sw/driver". but debug was wrong !

I looked the lab2b project 's compiler set. find :

what is that mean such as "$........"?  can I use these meths to compil my new project? Because very Motor ware project  include use ""sw/modules/math/src/32b/......" ,

you know "modules " include many different files,,,,how can use one include path point different places?

such as:


thank you !

best regards!

  • yanzhen,

    the easiest thing to do is to just create "mymain.c" in the same \src folder path as the proj_lab##.c, using the appropriate proj_lab##.c as a reference.


    This way all of the files that need to be included will automatically be linked correctly.

    And, as we do new versions of MotorWare you can simply copy over your maymain.c (and merge in any changes you made to main.h)