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Hello, my company is currently developing an application using an F28377D.
This application needs to be DO-178B certified.
Currently we are using only the first core and are in need for more computational performance, thus we are looking for a possibile certification-compliant solution.
The best solution we have found is using the CLA of the processor, the CPU saves in the CPUtoCLAmsg the data needed for the calculations and starts a CLA task. This task is (after the data reading) totally independent from the CPU, performs the calculations and then applyes a duty cycle to a few pwms. The rest of the system is indipendent from the CLA or the outputs of it.
The data saving and task start are clocked to start at specific intervals without interfeering with the other operations on the CPU.
We should be pretty safe but we were wondering if TI has had other cases or involvements for avionic certification on multi-core or CLA implementations?
I have found this post:
which suggest for a nice start.
Our client is based on this(rather old?) papers: - MULCORS Final Report.pdf
So any suggestion, help or collaboration would be very welcome.
C2000 MCU does not target directly this standard. It has many elements that will help to comply the coverage.
This is generally handled at Hirel parts from T, if applicable . There is an app.note from Hirel/TI on our position on these standards. Will send this document offline directly to you
I'm sorry, there has been a misunderstandment, the certification we are talking about is not CPU quality but sotfware certification.
We are seeking help or assistance for the future software certification, so i was asking for any suggestion or past experience in this portion of certification.
If TI has had any experience with software certification involving dual core cpus and/or CLAs.
C2000 has not worked directly for SW certification with Aviation bodies. Our aviation customers have done their certification on their own on single CPU systems.
C2000 is focused on developing self test SW libraries for appliance/industrial standards. IEC 60730 etc. These are available on TI site. These could be leveraged
in your systems, to some extent.
These libraries will updated for multi CPU/CLA systems by the end of 2016