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I programmed a C28346 Delfino microcontroller with a Simulink model someone else developed. I have the SPID port configured as a master and setup to send 16-bit data. I am getting SPI data out and the SPI Clock output is always running. The SPI Slave Select line stays low as well. This signal should return high and the SPI Clock output should stop after 16-bits have been transferred.
The Simulink model has the following code to initialize the SPI port.
GpioCtrlRegs.GPBPUD.bit.GPIO48 = 0; // Enable pull-up on GPIO48 (SPISIMOD)
GpioCtrlRegs.GPBMUX2.bit.GPIO48 = 3; // Configure GPIO48 as SPISIMOD
GpioCtrlRegs.GPBPUD.bit.GPIO49 = 0; // Enable pull-up on GPIO49 (SPISOMID)
GpioCtrlRegs.GPBMUX2.bit.GPIO49 = 3; // Configure GPIO49 as SPISOMID
GpioCtrlRegs.GPBPUD.bit.GPIO50 = 0; // Enable pull-up on GPIO50 (SPICLKD)
GpioCtrlRegs.GPBMUX2.bit.GPIO50 = 3; // Configure GPIO50 as SPICLKD
GpioCtrlRegs.GPBPUD.bit.GPIO51 = 0; // Enable pull-up on GPIO51 (SPISTED)
GpioCtrlRegs.GPBMUX2.bit.GPIO51 = 3; // Configure GPIO51 as SPISTED
// init spi D (current to super)
SpidRegs.SPICCR.bit.SPICHAR = 16-1; //16 databits; formula=DataBits-1; // Character length control
SpidRegs.SPICCR.bit.SPILBK = 0; //disable loopback
SpidRegs.SPICCR.bit.CLKPOLARITY = 0;// 1:Data is output on falling edge and input on rising edge; 0:Data is output on rising edge and input on falling edge.
SpidRegs.SPICTL.bit.TALK = 1; // Master/Slave transmit enable, 1=enabled, 0=disabled
SpidRegs.SPICTL.bit.MASTER_SLAVE = 1; // 0=slave, 1=master
SpidRegs.SPICTL.bit.CLK_PHASE = 0;// Clock phase ; 0: Data is output on the rising/falling edge (no delay); 1: Data is output one half-cycle before the first rising/falling edge
SpidRegs.SPIPRI.bit.FREE = 1; //Free run enabled, continue SPI operation regardless of suspend
SpidRegs.SPIBRR = 127; // Baud rate factor (for master only)
SpidRegs.SPIFFTX.bit.SPIFFENA = 1; // enable FIFO (both tx and rx)
SpidRegs.SPIFFRX.bit.RXFFIENA = 1; // enable rx fifo interrupts
SpidRegs.SPIFFTX.bit.TXFFIENA = 1; // enable tx fifo interrupts
SpidRegs.SPIFFRX.bit.RXFFIL = 14;//1; // Rx FIFO Interrupt Level
SpidRegs.SPIFFTX.bit.TXFFIL = 2; // Tx FIFO Interrupt Level
SpidRegs.SPIFFCT.all = 0;// no FIFO transmit delay
SpidRegs.SPICCR.bit.SPISWRESET = 1; // Enable SPI