I have 3 TMS320F28377D, one is set as a master and two others are slave in the context of the SPI communication. The master communicates with both slaves using pins: 58,59,60,60 for SPI-A, and 63,64,65,66 for SPI-B, as defined by Delfino technical document. These above mentioned pins are predefined for the high-speed SPI full-duplex communication up to 40 MHz.
In the TMS320F28377D technical document (page 1888, section 17.9) there are given some constraints on high speed SPI:
"In order to achieve the maximum full-duplex speeds, two restrictions are placed on the design:
• High-speed capability is available on a single pin mux option
• Single master to single slave configuration is supported to limit the loading on the pins."
From the above constraints, could you explain to me: can master connect two slaves using the both high-speed SPI-A and high-speed SPI-B (with the given pins: 58,59,60,60 for SPI-A, and 63,64,65,66 for SPI-B) as two separate connections in the same routine. Or, master have to use only one high-speed (for instance for SPI-A) but normal SPI mode for (then for SPI-B)?
Tihomir Zilic