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Hello Team ,
Could you please help us answer the question from my customer.
we found that there is interference in the AD measurement when we use the pin AIO14 as a digital output. Even if we do not configure the pin AIO14 we get errors.
The device is configured as follows,
AdcRegs.ADCSOC0CTL.bit.CHSEL = 0x0003; // ADCINA3
AdcRegs.ADCSOC1CTL.bit.CHSEL = 0x0006; // ADCINA6
AdcRegs.ADCSOC2CTL.bit.CHSEL = 0x000B; // ADCINB3
And pin ADCINB6 / COMP3B / AIO14 as a digital output, which has been toggled in certain periods.
In this case, faults can be seen in the signal waveform of ADCINB3 when AIO14 is high. If ADCINB3 is configured to ADCINB7 instead of ADCINB3, then the errors are at B7.
For a comparison, we tried a different hardware configuration:
AdcRegs.ADCSOC0CTL.bit.CHSEL = 0x0003; // ADCINA3
AdcRegs.ADCSOC1CTL.bit.CHSEL = 0x0002; // ADCINA2
AdcRegs.ADCSOC2CTL.bit.CHSEL = 0x000B; // ADCINB3
And the pin ADCINB2 / COMP1B / AIO10 has been configured and toggled as a digital output. The disturbances occur at B3, which comes to A2.
Toggled pin |
noice at |
A3 |
A6 |
B3 |
B3 |
A3 |
A6 |
B7 |
B7 |
A3 |
A2 |
B3 |
B3 |
A3 |
A2 |
B7 |
B7 |
For the purpose of checking, we have dispensed with the use of the pin 23 and therefore, via another means, communicates with the microcontroller.
The following points were observed:
• There were no more disturbances to see.
• When the pin 23 has been externally set to high / 3.3V, the fault has reappeared, that is, As long as the pin 23 is high, disturbances can be seen on B3 and B7, respectively.
• The width of the interference depends on the duration of pin 23 on high.
• The pin 13 / ADCINA2 has also been observed when we pinged the pin 20 (ADCINB2 / COMP1B / AIO10) (see "Tabular summary").
The problem always occurs in the cases described above, but during the operation of the current control, etc., we have no problems at the moment.
We are looking for the cause of the disturbance to avoid possible problems in the future. We have tested our software (the same hardware with TI-035 but different projects) and could not find something striking.
Thank you very much in advance.
Best Regards,
Thanks for the detailed description. A C2000 team member has been assigned to this post and should be answering shortly.
Please find the answer to your questions as below.
• How are SN74LVC1G08 and ADM2481 powered?
o Both are powered from +3V3
• Are they sharing the VDDIO supply?
o Yes, they have common voltage supply.
• Is VDDA also tied to VDDIO or is it isolated?
o Yes VDDA is tied to VDDIO and it is not isolated.
• Can you describe the waveform sampling?
o The blue signal waveform is recorded by MATLAB/Simulink and sampling the ADCINB3.
• Is the signal buffered to the ADC pin?
o Low pass filter between current sense out and ADC pin
• What ACQPS setting are they using?
o ACQPS is 6, but the problem exists with different ACQPs (6 to 25), too.
Thank you.
Does the magnitude of the ADCINB3 error change with ACQPS settings? What if the maximum ACQPS is used?
Another experiment (if possible) is to disable the AIO function and drive the ADC pin directly using an external voltage source. If the error is still there with AIO disabled, we can eliminate the AIO circuitry from the picture. Another good data point from this would be to see if the magnitude of the error changes with the forced voltage.
Do you have the schematic for the ADCINB3 low-pass filter? What are the component values?